Best Ways to Get EXP in Love and Deepspace – Gamezebo

So, what are the best ways to get EXP in Love and Deepspace? There are plenty of activities within the Otome game that reward you with EXP, so basically, just have fun with the game! However, if you’re looking for a more efficient way, or just need a refresher, read on!

Love and Deepspace is a first-person Otome game that features lifelike 3D graphics, allowing for a fun and realistic dating sim experience. While you can go on sickeningly cute dates, it’s not all fun and games. You’re all destined to fight against dangerous aliens that threaten the peace of humanity – it is a sci-fi ARPG, after all! Still, it’s the time between each battle that grants you the opportunity to get to know each of them more and more.

For more information about Love and Deepspace, you can visit the game’s official website. Make sure to have a read of our Love and Deepspace Memories guide and our Love and Deepspace Daily Reset Time guide!

How to Get EXP in Love and Deepspace

As you’ve probably guessed, most of the activities in Love and Deepspace reward you with EXP for your Hunter Level. Getting on the daily grind will grant you a bounty of EXP, especially if you get all of your daily tasks done.

Keep in mind that the game caps your level every day to prevent you from progressing too quickly. Worry not though, as the EXP you obtain after you’ve reached the cap will be used when you log in the next day after the daily reset.

Main Story

Working through the main story quests is one of the most efficient ways of earning EXP. However, there are only 4 chapters to play through right now, with more to come in future updates. If you’re looking for large amounts of EXP for little effort, it’s time to sit down and binge the story! Luckily, the plotline is pretty good, and the characters are even better.

Daily and Weekly Tasks

Similarly to other mobile games, completing your daily and weekly tasks is key to getting a sufficient amount of EXP. Your daily tasks will usually include beating Bounty Hunt stages, upgrading Memories and using up your in-game stamina – all fairly easy and quick to do!

Events and Goals

As well as your daily and weekly tasks, you’ve also got event missions to complete. These missions are usually available for a limited time, but you’ll also have long-running goals that stick around for a while – especially when you’ve just started the game! The point of these goals is to get you prepared for the later parts of the game and to introduce you to more of the game’s mechanics.

Levelling Memories

If you’re wondering how to get EXP for your collected Memories, it works a little differently compared to the Hunter Level EXP! The only way to level your Memories is by spending Bottles of Wishes. Depending on the type of the Bottle of Wishes, some will grant more Memory EXP than others.