Best Optics in Call of Duty MW3 Warzone

Gun customization is a big deal in Call of Duty, and there’s an overwhelming number of options. There are currently at least 70 different Optic attachments. You can’t realistically try them all, so here are our picks for the best Optics in Call of Duty MW3 and Warzone.

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Best Optics for MW3 and Warzone

The best Optic attachments are easy to use and don’t clutter the screen. Ideally, we’re after an unobstructed sight that doesn’t incur many stat penalties. Here are my picks for the best Optics in the game, along with how they look on a weapon and while aiming.

Forge Tac Delta 4

  • Best Optics in Call of Duty MW3 Warzone

The Forge Tac Delta 4 has a few downsides, but the pros outweigh the cons. This Optic boasts the highest magnification on the list at 5.5X and has a dull glint.

If you can stomach the 5% ADS speed penalty, you’re treated to a wide, clutter-free picture. I love this Optic as the thin circle around the sight doesn’t get in the way, and the simple cross marker is easy to use. I usually prefer illuminated reticules, but the Forge Tac Delta 4 is perfect on brightly lit maps, and in Warzone.

Slate Reflector

If you’re after a decent 1x Optic, you’re spoiled for choice in MW3 and Warzone. The Slate Reflector is one of the best, offering a bright dot reticule. The rim of the Optic is thin and unobtrusive, and the simple outline can help with target acquisition.

I frequently switch between the Slate Reflector and the MK .3 Reflector, as they are some of the best Optics in the game. If you’d like even less of an outline, you may prefer the MK .3.

MK .3 Reflector

  • Best Optics in Call of Duty MW3 Warzone
  • Best Optics in Call of Duty MW3 Warzone

The MK .3 Reflector is another strong contender for the best Optic in the game. The rim is the big difference between the MK .3 and Slate Optics, as it’s almost invisible on the former. If you’re a fan of Black Ops 2, you’ll likely be drawn to this Optic as it has a similar aesthetic to the sights in that title.

Many revere the MK .3 Reflector as the absolute best Optic in MW3, and with good reason. I often use this Optic, but other choices have strengths that shouldn’t be overlooked.

Nydar Model 2023

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  • Best Optics in Call of Duty MW3 Warzone

I’ll admit I completely overlooked this Optic until I saw this video on the subreddit. The Nydar Model 2023 has a discreet circular rim with a small, accurate dot reticule.

There’s a ton of visual clutter in MW3 and Warzone, and I sometimes find it easier to track targets when my Optic has a visible outline. The circular edge of the Nydar is easy to follow and is unobtrusive while shooting.

Corio Enforcer Optic

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The Corio Enforcer Optic resembles a regular Holo Sight and has a tidy red target reticule. I mentioned visual clutter earlier, and it’s sometimes easier to focus on a larger illuminated shape when aiming.

Although it’s not listed, the Corio Enforcer Optic seems slightly magnified. It’s not a big deal, but it can help in mid-range engagements, and there’s no mobility penalty.

SZ Holotherm

  • Best Optics in Call of Duty MW3 Warzone
  • Best Optics in Call of Duty MW3 Warzone

I slept on the SZ Holotherm for the longest time during MW2, but it quickly became one of my favorites and remains a solid contender. The SZ Holotherm highlights targets with a dull orange outline, which may take a while to get used to.

If you take the time to adjust, this Optic is fantastic for target acquisition, particularly on darker maps. Nasty penalties usually offset advantages like this, but the only thing you can’t do with the SZ Holotherm is enter Tac Stance.

Corio ELT-10 2.5

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The Corio ELT-10 2.5 is a superb Optic if you need some magnification for mid-long-range engagements. My favorite part about this Optic is the bright green reticule. You can see this no matter what’s happening around you, and it’s easier to follow than a standard dot.

As with any magnifying Optic, mobility has minor penalties, but it’s negligible if your weapon has a quick ADS speed by default.

Corio Eagleseye 2.5X

  • Best Optics in Call of Duty MW3 Warzone
  • Best Optics in Call of Duty MW3 Warzone

The Eagleseye is one of the most popular magnifying Optics in Warzone. This Optic has a thin rim and a basic black cross reticule and is perfect for the primarily bright conditions of Urzikstan.

I find the Corio ELT-10 2.5 easier to use than the Corio Eagleseye 2.5X, but I’ve seen this Optic on so many guns it would be wrong not to include it here. If the bright green chevron of the ELT-10 is distracting, you’ll find a lot to love with this Optic.

Those are my picks for the best Optics for MW3 and Warzone. Many Scopes share similar stats, so don’t be afraid to experiment. If you’re still getting your bearings in Warzone and enjoy sniping, why not check out our one-shot sniper build that works at all ranges?