octubre 21, 2024
Best Kingdom Come Deliverance Mods

The fact that Warhorse Studios decided upon an extremely ambitious and realistic open-world medieval RPG as their first game is something that needs to be commended. In this context, Kingdom Come: Deliverance is easily one of the greatest achievements of any gaming studio, with the game being a highly enjoyable — if somewhat buggy — romp from start to end. That being said, there’s no denying the fact that Kingdom Come is not a perfect experience by any stretch of the imagination… but fans who want to mitigate the annoyances from this title can end up integrating a whole host of mods that can optimize and improve the overall experience of this title in many ways.


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The PS3 has a pretty sizable library of games. So it’s natural for some great titles to have gone unnoticed. Do yourself a favor and try these out.

There’s no denying that Kingdom Come: Deliverance has its fair share of issues that hold it back from being a truly great game. However, for a first effort, Warhorse Studios has certainly done an incredible job with this game, and fans can’t wait to see what the sequel has in store for them. The sky’s the limit for this studio, and players can always integrate their fair share of mods into the first game if the wait for the second chapter is proving to be a bit too agonizing for their liking.

Updated on December 28, 2023, by Ritwik Mitra: Kingdom Come: Deliverance is one of the most ambitious games ever made. Despite not boasting the AAA budgets that most open-world RPGs have, the immersion in this title is truly off-the-charts. It helps that Henry is a great protagonist who realistically transforms from a blacksmith’s son into a seasoned warrior who can stand his ground against the toughest foes around. Players who love this massive RPG and want to find more excuses to spend some time in this title can utilize a wealth of mods to help achieve the same.

21 Henry’s Hair Color Customization

Downloads: 5,872

Henry's Hair Color Customization mod for Kingdom Come Deliverance

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is an RPG where players control a pre-defined character, which is an approach that many other titles in the genre have taken too. However, some players would’ve still loved the option of customizing Henry’s look to a certain extent, even with players being able to govern his beard and hairstyle by going to a barber in-game.

This mod is pretty much self-explanatory and allows players to customize Henry’s hair color, which can change how this character looks in a fresh and meaningful manner. It may seem like a small tweak, but players who’ve stared at vanilla Henry’s mug for hours on end know just how valuable these cosmetic mods can be.

20 Yet Another Sorting Mod

Downloads: 8,580

Henry in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

There are many complaints that players have shared when it comes to the lack of a proper inventory sorting system in the game. Items just blend together whenever players open the menu, which can become rather grating after a point.

There are many mods available to download that do a halfway decent job of sorting the inventory, with this one being pretty comprehensive in its own right. It learns from everything that other sorting mods have attempted, making for a much better look at Henry’s inventory whenever players open up his pouch.

19 Immersive Archery

Downloads: 18,773

Archery in Kingdom Come Deliverance

Archery was pretty much a medieval cheat code that people whipped out at a moment’s notice to get the edge in battle, and Henry should’ve been able to take out most of his enemies with a single well-placed arrow. While it’s true that he may not have had the archery skills that most veterans boasted, there’s no excusing the slow draw and flight speed of the arrows in the game.

Immersive Archery aims to rectify this form of combat to make it easier to bear for players. Henry draws the bowstring faster, arrows fly at a swifter pace, stamina drain is reduced, and the damage of arrows is also considerably increased. Instead of being a chore, archery becomes fun with the inclusion of this mod!

18 Translucent Helmet Vision

Downloads: 20,745

Henry wearing a helment in Kingdom Come Deliverance

While it might be somewhat realistic to have Henry’s vision be blocked every single time he wears a helmet in combat, there’s no denying the fact that this helmet vision can get annoying quickly in battle due to the limited field of vision that the player is restricted by.


10 Open-World Games As Immersive As Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Fans of Kingdom Come Deliverance don’t have to look far to find another open-world game that’s just as immersive. Here are some of the best.

There might be a mod to remove this helmet vision completely, but players who don’t want to compromise on this sense of realism can choose to opt for the Translucent Helmet Vision instead, which ends up being the perfect way to enjoy the combat of the game without sacrificing the realistic side of things as well.

17 Remove Those Stupid Trails

Downloads: 106,199

The bow in Kingdom Come Deliverance

Archery is easily one of the hardest skills to master in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. The lack of a crosshair while aiming an arrow is bad enough as is, but the ugly trails that follow every flying arrow are somehow even worse!

Thankfully, this particular mod ensures that these arrow trails become a thing of the past. That way, at least ranged combat will become less of an eyesore.

16 Easy To See Herbs

Downloads: 111,898

Kingdom Come Deliverance Field

Alchemy plays a big role in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Even if players don’t brew too many potions, picking herbs is important to finish quests or sell for a quick buck if players require some gold.

So, it’s rather odd that the herbs in the game are so devilishly hard to find that players can genuinely blow a gasket trying to find these plants in the overworld. Thankfully, this mod takes care of the issue by making the game’s herbs easy to locate visually, which goes a long way in ensuring that players don’t interact with random bits of foliage every single time they think they’ve spotted some herbs.

15 Easy Sharpening

Downloads: 115,320

A grindstone in Kingdom Come Deliverance

Kingdom Come: Deliverance makes it a point to infuse as much realism into the game as possible. The simple act of sharpening a sword on a grindstone isn’t done via menus. Instead, Henry has to physically sit down and angle the sword in an ideal manner to ensure that the blade is sharpened.


4 Games To Get Lost In Their World

There are some games that players can’t help but get lost in thanks to their immersive and beautiful worlds.

However, missing this ideal angle can lead to the blade getting even worse, which is the last thing players would want. This is why players can just remove the headache of grindstones altogether by downloading a simple mod that gives players more leeway when it comes to the angle that swords need to be set on to be sharpened properly.

14 Texture Streaming Improvements

Downloads: 149,018

Sir Radzig Kingdom Come

The biggest problem that most people would face in Kingdom Come is the egregious texture pop-in of the game — something that is yet to be properly patched.

Thankfully, fans have taken up the responsibility of tweaking the code of the game so that this problem of texture streaming can be mitigated somewhat, allowing players to enjoy the game without fixating on this frequently occurring issue. After all, not everyone can afford an SSD that can take care of this problem.

13 Roads Are Dangerous

Downloads: 153,973

Kingdom Come Deliverance battle by a gate

Early on in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, ambushes are a death sentence. The combat system is already pretty complicated as is, and a weak Henry is bound to fall against the simplest bandit ambush simply because of the numbers that overwhelm the player. This makes it important to avoid these encounters early on, save regularly (which is a headache in its way), and get some good moves and gear as soon as possible so that these enemies aren’t much of a threat anymore.

The inverted difficulty curve of Kingdom Come: Deliverance means that some players may find the combat to be too easy after a point. For these players, the Roads are Dangerous mod makes ambushes more frequent and adds new unit types into the mix too. As a result, fast traveling becomes scarier than ever before, and players should think twice before moving across vast expanses.

12 Perkaholic

Downloads: 167,915

Perkaholic in Kingdom Come Deliverance

Perks are one of the more interesting aspects of character development in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. However, some people would’ve preferred these perks to be way more numerous in the game.


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Well, with the Perkaholic mod, this dream can become a reality. Numerous new traits are added to the game to make leveling up even more interesting, with certain combat skills being worked upon extensively too!

11 A Sorted Inventory

Downloads: 176,693

A Sorted Inventory for Kingdom Come Deliverance

Inventory management in Kingdom Come can prove to be a massive pain due to the haphazard nature of the nomenclature of most items coupled with a lack of options when it comes to filtering these items as well.

Thankfully, with this mod, the problem of inventory management becomes a thing of the past. All items are renamed so they can be grouped without any major issues, allowing for a streamlined experience when it comes to managing Henry’s inventory.

10 Bushes — Collision Remover

Downloads: 189,218

Bushes and trees in Kingdom Come Deliverance

Another irksome thing about Kingdom Come is the fact that Henry can traverse the landscape and jump substantial gaps and heights with the greatest of ease… but is stopped in his tracks pretty much immediately by the mighty bush.

With this mod, these collision boxes can be removed, allowing Henry to go through these bushes with ease. Perhaps the player can imagine that Henry has suffered some minor scrapes after going through these bushes if immersion is a concern.

9 Richer Merchants

Downloads: 198,456

Kingdom Come Peshek NPC

Kingdom Come: Deliverance suffers from a rather pressing annoyance that most other Western open-world JRPGs also face. The majority of merchants in these games don’t have a ton of money to offer to the player for their sold goods.


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Plenty of non-survival games have featured surprisingly immersive and fun survival mechanics. Here are just a few great examples.

So, it should be rather obvious what the Richer Merchants mod aims to accomplish. It gives the merchants in Kingdom Come surplus money reserves to make it easier to engage in deals with them.

8 Henry’s Face Customization

Downloads: 219,757

Henry's Face Customization mod for Kingdom Come Deliverance

Henry might be an interesting protagonist in his own right, but players certainly lament the fact that this character can’t be customized at all. Thankfully, this mod allows players who are sticklers for this detail to create the Henry they want!

It’s a small change, but a welcome one regardless. Watching Henry with a completely new face is a unique way to experience this long yet enjoyable game.

7 More Responsive Targeting

Downloads: 223,009

Combat with a knight in Kingdom Come- Deliverance

The combat of Kingdom Come: Deliverance is easily the most experimental part of the overall experience. It might have its fans, but there’s no denying that this combat system features several flaws.

Targeting is one of the many issues plaguing this combat system. By downloading this mod, players can improve the targeting system so that they don’t end up fixating on an inconvenient enemy in the heat of battle.

6 Sectorial Lockpicking

Downloads: 241,426

Sectorial Lockpicking mod for Kingdom Come Deliverance

Lockpicking in Kingdom Come is easily one of the worst minigames anyone can play, especially with a controller. The mouse and keyboard certainly make things easier, but not by much.

Players who want to enjoy a lockpicking experience that is significantly less annoying should check out the Sectorial Lockpicking mod. It marks the area where the player should keep their pick, making this minigame immensely bearable.

5 Stay Clean Longer — Get Dirty Gradually

Downloads: 281,387

Stay Cleaner Longer Get Dirty Gradually

Medieval times might’ve not been the highest point in history when it comes to maintaining personal hygiene, but one has to admit that the speed at which Henry gets dirty while traversing the overworld is still quite ridiculous regardless.



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Thankfully, with this mod, this annoying mechanic is taken care of quite easily. Now, Henry can traverse the land for quite some time before having to visit a bathhouse, which adds to the realism of the game as well.

4 Instant Herb Picking

Downloads: 290,285

Herb Paris in Kingdom Come Deliverance

Picking herbs in Kingdom Come might be a fun task at the beginning, but one can’t deny that watching Henry bend down to pick up these herbs over and over again can get highly annoying after a point.

Thankfully, with the Instant Herb Picking mod, players can rid of an annoyance that can get highly overbearing after a point, allowing them to pick their herbs in peace.

3 Unlimited Weight

Downloads: 413,665

Kingdom Come Lockpick Merchant

The idea of the protagonist being unable to carry items beyond a certain weight is highly annoying and serves no purpose aside from stopping a player’s exploration in their tracks and making them second guess the act of looting enemies and finding treasure, among other such annoyances.

The Unlimited Weight mod is pretty self-explanatory in this regard, allowing Henry to carry as many items as he wants without forcing any arbitrary state of over-encumberment upon him.

2 Bow Dot Reticle

Downloads: 729,973

Medieval archer aiming at targets

The idea of figuring out the rough arc of Henry’s arrow due to the lack of an aiming reticle might be a novel concept, but players who end up using ranged combat a ton will soon realize that realism does not equate to fun in this instance.

So, for players who just want to enjoy a video game as opposed to immersing themselves in a cutthroat Medieval world, bringing back the aiming reticle while using the bow through this mod will be a saving grace for them.