Amazon celebrates Fallout launch by offering free Fallout games on Luna

Amazon celebrates Fallout launch by offering free Fallout games on Luna
  • Amazon is offering subscribers Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas for free.
  • You can play the games on mobile and PC via the company’s cloud gaming service, Luna.
  • Both games will be available for free until October.

Fallout, Amazon Prime’s new series based on the popular action RPG franchise, has officially premiered and is already receiving rave reviews. In celebration of the series release, Amazon is letting subscribers play Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition and Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition for free through its cloud gaming service, Luna.

You can access these games by heading to or installing the Luna app, and logging into your Amazon account. You’ll then just need to wait a minute or two for the game to load. The on-screen touch controls take some getting used to, but other than that, the games look and play just like the original releases.

Fallout 3 was released in 2008, reinvigorating the franchise. You play as a vault dweller who escapes from the only home they have ever known to find their father. Surrounded by radiation, raiders and mutants for the first time, you must learn to adapt to the violent ways of the surface.

Fallout: New Vegas, initially released in 2010, was developed by Obsidian and published by Bethesda. In it, you play as a courier who seeks to learn the truth after being shot and left for dead.

Amazon Prime’s Fallout centres around Lucy, a vault dweller who heads to the surface to find her father after raiders kidnap him. While the premise sounds familiar to that of Fallout 3, the series is not an interpretation of the game but rather a new tale taking place in the iconic wastelands.

The downside to playing these titles on Luna is that you can’t mod them. Bethesda has a history of supporting the modding community by making their games easy to make mods for. The number of mods available for Fallout 3 alone is staggering.

selecting your traits in Fallout New Vegas

However, if you don’t already own Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas and are itching to give them a try after checking out the new series, then trying them out for free seems like a good bet. Both games will be free on Luna until October 10, 2024.