The Best Artemis Boons in Hades 2

As players make their way through Hades 2, they will notice that Artemis is used quite differently than she was in the original. Most of the returning Olympians function in much the same way as they did in Hades, with each having no interaction with the protagonist outside the boons they offer. But in Hades 2, Artemis gets her own special encounter with Melinoë before her boons become available. Because her encounter is new, many players may wonder if her boons are different, and which Artemis boons are best in Hades 2?


Hades 2: God Tier List

There are many gods in Hades 2, each granting their own unique boons. This tier list showcases which are the best.

Artemis is found during a special encounter during Hades 2. You will know when it is happening as the screen changes colors and a title appears at the top that says ‘The Hunt is On.’ Currently, there does not appear to be any way to ensure this encounter happens, though it is possible (but not verified) that wearing the White Antler keepsake helps. This guide will focus on listing all of Artemis’ boons, with the most useful at the top.

Hades 2
is currently in Early Access
. This means that changes to the game are possible before the official 1.0 release. If Artemis’ boons are altered, or any new boons are introduced, this guide will be updated accordingly.

7 First Blood


First Blood

  • Foes with at least 80% Life or 80% Armor may take critical damage.
  • Common starts at 10%, with each rarity increasing the chances of critical damage.

  • First Blood is not a bad boon, its effects are simply limited in a way that many of the other boons aren’t. It can work well with certain builds, specifically those that do a tremendous amount of damage with a single hit. For example, using this boon with Hephaestus’ Volcanic Strike or Flourish can result in a huge amount of damage done on the first hit against an enemy. But outside that scenario, there are other boons that have better uses that aren’t as limited in scope.

6 Pressure Points


Pressure Points

  • Any damage you deal may be critical.
  • Common starts at 3%, with each rarity increasing critical chances.

  • At first glance, having a boon that gives a chance for any hit to be critical may seem like one of the best options offered by Artemis. However, the chances are so low that it does not make sense to take this over other, better boons. There are several reasons for this, including the fact that you never know when a critical hit may come.
  • The Epic and Heroic versions of this boon change things just a bit, with the chances being considerably higher. But the chances of finding rarity that high is pretty low. If you should happen to come across those versions of Pressure Points, they should be seen as equal to the second or third slot on this list.


Hades 2: Best Hera Boons, Ranked

Hera is one of the few Gods in Hades 2 that you won’t meet until a few hours in – and some of her boons can be quite impactful.

5 Lethal Snare


Lethal Snare

  • Foes in your Casts may take Critical damage from your attacks.
  • Common starts at 8%

  • Lethal Snare can be incredibly powerful, as you know exactly which enemies are most likely to incur critical damage, and when. This boon can be very helpful against those Guardians that tend to move slower, like the Infernal Beast. If this boon wasn’t limited to attacks, it would be higher on this list. But keep in mind, this boon currently counts Omega attacks, so using weapons like the Witch’s Staff, with a ranged Omega attack, will allow you to keep your distance while attacking foes in binding circle.
  • This boon is most useful with weapons that have ranged basic attacks, such as the Umbral Flames and the Argent Skull.

4 Silver Streak


Silver Streak

  • After you Dash, your Ω Moves deal more damage for 2 seconds.
  • Common starts at 10%

  • SIlver Streak allows foes to chain an Omega attack out of a dash, and deal more damage than they would normally. While the 2 seconds might sound like a short window, it actually works well given how fast-paced Hades 2 already feels.
  • Remember that this boon works with all Omega moves. Attacks, Specials, and Casts all do more damage within 2 seconds of a Dash. If you have any of the boons that apply elemental damage to the Omega/Basic binding circle.

3 Easy Shot


Easy Shot

  • A piercing arrow fires toward any foe damaged by your Ω Cast.
  • Common starts at 20 damage.

  • Easy Shot is one of the best boons Artemis has to offer for one main reason: it allows you to do more damage without taking any action after the original attack. Any boon that automatically adds damage to a group of foes is worth using. It is not quite as powerful as Support Fire, but it is worth taking in that boon’s absence.

2 Death Warrant


Death Warrant

  • A random foe occasionally becomes Marked. If it takes Critical damage, this repeats.
  • Marked adds a 30% chance to take critical damage, lasts for 6 seconds.
  • Time between marks: Common starts at 20 seconds.

  • Death Warrant adds the Marked status to a random foe in every single encounter. While this is helpful in a basic fight, it is extremely helpful against Guardians. The 30% chance of taking critical damage is one of the game’s highest, and virtually ensures at least one critical hit every time a foe is Marked.
  • In any Guardian encounter that begins with the foe on their own, they will automatically become marked. At the Common level, it will take another 20 seconds for the status effect to occur again. IN a fight with multiple enemies, dealing critical damage to a foe causes it to move to another enemy instantly, and no wait time is necessary.


Hades 2: Best Hades Boons, Ranked

Though in a bind, the God of the Underworld offers some of Hades 2’s most powerful boons.

1 Support Fire


Support Fire

  • After you are hit with your Attacks or Specials, fire a seeking arrow.
  • Damage: Common starts at 10, moving up in increments of 5 per rarity level.

  • There is a reason Support Fire is one of the few boons from Hades to return unchanged. Every single attack and special attack that lands fires off a seeking arrow that does 10 damage at the very least. If players get a higher rarity level, or raise the level with Poms of Power, the damage level can get significantly higher. Support Fire is equally beneficial in every encounter type, because it can help take out large groups of enemies, or deal a huge amount of damage to a Guardian without any extra effort. When testing the boons of Artemis to see which boon truly is best, Support Fire came out on top every time.