Helldivers 2 legend General Brasch is 2024’s Chuck Norris

Helldivers 2 legend General Brasch is 2024’s Chuck Norris

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General Brasch hasn’t been seen in Helldivers 2 yet, apart from being shown in propaganda ads, but his voice is heard guiding you through the tutorial mission at the beginning of the game. In the Helldivers lore, General Brasch is a larger-than-life figure and a legend of Super Earth.

Arrowhead Game Studios posted a Reddit thread to its official Helldivers 2 X page titled “General Brasch is the greatest patriot that ever lived.” The thread details some myths surrounding the General, similar to the classic jokes about Chuck Norris. Here are all of the hilarious legends of General Brasch from the Reddit thread which can you read below.

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  • General Brasch once killed 7 Chargers with a Railgun. And then he reloaded.
  • General Brasch’s boots are the most lethal form of Termicide Spray that has ever existed.
  • General Brasch once destroyed a Tank by pointing at it and yelling “BANG!”
  • A Hulk once set General Brasch on fire. After several days of agonizing pain, the Hulk died.
  • Instead of a Hellpod Launcher, General Brasch has a diving board installed in his personal Super Destroyer.
  • The only reason General Brasch hasn’t wiped out the enemies of Democracy by now is because there’s only one of him. He prefers it that way.

The Helldivers community came together to share some more tales and legends that they have heard during their time fighting for democracy, with U/Dacks_18 recounting that “The orbital Walking Barrage was named after General Brasch’s patrol routine.”

U/rdtscksass also shared a story they had heard that “Death had a near General Brasch experience once.” U/hunter714 also noted that a “gun sleeps with a General Brasch under his pillow.” Finally, U/Peasantbowman recalled the time that “General Brasch threw an impact grenade and killed 20 Rocket Devastators. Then it exploded.”

While many of these are either directed copied from classic Chuck Norris jokes, or at least inspired by them, it doesn’t make them any less funny. And with Arrowhead Game Studios publicly acknowledging the Reddit post, it does seem like these have now become folklore in the Helldivers 2 universe spread by the citizens of Super Earth.

If you bring democracy to the universe, you too may become the subject of folklore and myths in the future. But, to do that you will need to be suitably equipped to serve Liber-tea to the Automatons and Terminids. We highly recommend checking out our Helldivers 2 best weapons guide and best armor guide to find the best loadout to eradicate every enemy that stands in your way so you too can become a legend of Super Earth.