Helldivers 2 players need to liberate this planet first to stand a chance of victory

Helldivers 2 players need to liberate this planet first to stand a chance of victory

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As the week draws to a close, there is no time to rest for the Helldivers as a new Major Order is underway that could shape the future of Helldivers 2 in an unprecedented way. The current Major Order calls for the total eradication of the Automatons, one of two enemy types in the game, with the other being the Terminids. After spending most of March focusing on the Terminids, attention has been brought back to the robots over the past couple of weeks. Slowly but surely their stronghold of the western part of the galaxy has been diminishing as the Helldivers bring democracy to every planet they step foot on. But, with the victory line in sight, players need to work together otherwise we could see a second failure this month.

Progress on the latest Major Order has been slow as players have been focused on the wrong planets, which has been making progress difficult and success nearly impossible. U/Stamper2495 took to Reddit to explain how the Major Order should be tackled to guarantee success and as players have begun to understand the assignment, it seems to be working.

“Current projections for Major Order are grim. If we don’t get reinforced on Maia it will take 3 days to liberate it leaving 1 day to take two planets! There is no point wasting time on Tibit and Durgen. Go to Maia, then we take on Tibit together.”

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The Helldivers 2 community manager has confirmed that Automaton production has been moved from Tibit to Maia, meaning that the longer Maia controls the robots, the more that can be produced and sent to Tibit and Durgen, causing the liberation percentage to increase slowly. Once Maia is liberated, the total number of robots on the remaining planets will no longer increase which will speed up the process, giving the Helldivers a greater chance at victory.

Thankfully, it seems as though Helldivers 2 players are taking their mission seriously as Maia is currently 65% liberated at the time of writing with over 97,000 active players in missions, compared to Tibit which is currently only 2% liberated. This Major Order looks to be the most important mission to date and could lead to the end of the Automatons. But, no one knows what the future holds as so much of the galaxy is currently unexplored, which could pave the way for The Illuminate, which has been rumored to be coming to the game for some time now.

Completing this Major Order could have a massive permanent effect on the future of Helldivers 2, so ensuring victory is paramount. To ensure victory and democracy are spread across the galaxy and the Terminids are put on notice by the complete eradication of the Automatons, you need to make sure you’re kitted out and your Helldivers are optimized for combat. We highly recommend checking out our Helldivers 2 best weapons guide and best armor guides so you can build the ideal loadout for your play style so you and your squad can destroy every enemy that stands between you and democracy.