A Palworld player caught Anubis after taking an improbably long shot at the Pal

A Palworld player caught Anubis after taking an improbably long shot at the Pal

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A Palworld player caught Anubis, a boss who is considered one of the most important characters in the entire game. That in and of itself is not shocking. Most players have caught the Pal and use it to whatever end. It’s a difficult boss, but it’s not one players are having trouble finding and catching in general. The manner in which this Palworld player caught Anubis, though, was eye-catching, and it got the community talking.

Palworld player caught Anubis in surprising fashion

Catching any boss Pal is incredibly difficult. They usually require a lengthy battle in which Pals and players try their best to whittle down the health of the boss before attempting to catch. One Palworld gamer knew this, but decided to just give it a shot anyway. With their health dwindling and the inability to move faster than the slowest walk, u/bbbeen2915 decided to go for it, knowing they’d probably die anyway.

They knew they were going to die, so why not go out taking a long shot at capturing Anubis? If it breaks out of the Pal Sphere and attacks, the death that was inevitable will only come a little bit quicker. In shocking fashion, this Palworld player caught Anubis with a 1.74% catch chance. Even with the back bonus, the odds were slim. Fortunately, they did catch it just seconds before dying.

u/skulledredditor pointed out that not only was the Pal a pretty lucky catch, but it had an enviable partner skill as well, “Artisan on the boss version. Congrats! Happy for you! Nice! You lucky dog.” u/Bubster101 jested, “dies from utter shock.”

u/LordEcchi6969 said, “There goes your luck for the year.” u/Jrnm added, “‘So you’re saying there’s a chance?’” Another player said that this Palworld gamer should drop everything and go play the lottery while their luck is in tact. Everyone was thoroughly impressed with the catch, which most of them couldn’t imagine happening to them.

How this Palworld player caught Anubis is impressive, but it speaks to a great aspect of the game. There’s some luck involved, which means there’s always a reason to try it. That one-in-a-million (or 0.1% catch chance) is worth a shot if you’re willing to try. Sometimes, it works out.

That’s all for how this Palworld player caught Anubis in stunning fashion, but be sure to catch our guides as you are going to need to know how to get wood, how to fast travel, and how to get ancient civilization parts!