10 Best P-Organ Upgrades For Dexterity Builds

10 Best P-Organ Upgrades For Dexterity Builds


  • The P-Organ system in Lies of P allows players to create unique builds with various variables like costumes, stat allocation, weapon assembly, Legion Arms, usable items, and P-Organ upgrades.
  • Certain P-Organ upgrades are better suited for Technique (Dexterity) builds, such as increasing the staggerable window and adding fable slots for utilizing fable arts.
  • Upgrades like increasing pulse cell uses, adding amulet slots, and enhancing pulse cell recovery are recommended for all builds, as they provide more healing options and impact overall stats.

There are quite a few variables that Lies of P lets its players mess around with to create these diverse and unique builds. Between the Costumes, the Stat Allocation, the Weapon Assembly, the Legion Arms, the usable Items, and the P-Organ Upgrades, it’s very difficult for two players to unintentionally create the exact same build.


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However, with P-Organ Upgrades in particular, there are certain Upgrades that are obviously better for Motivity (Strength) builds and there are others that are more suited for Technique (Dexterity) builds. Let’s focus on dexterity and break down the best upgrades for Pinocchio to aim for over the course of one or two Lies of P playthroughs.

Updated February 12th, 2024 by Jacob Buchalter: Lies of P has already cemented itself as one of the most well-renowned and beloved soulslikes of the current generation, and a lot of that comes from how many new things Lies of P brings to the table. There’s a long list of innovations and ambitious mechanics that Lies of P introduces, but one of the most interesting mechanical introductions has to be the P-Organ system. With this system, players have even more agency over their build than they would in a standard soulslike game, and with this system, new mechanics have an easy way to be introduced even in New Game++. So, let’s go over some of the best upgrades in the P-Organ system, this time the ones that are best picked for those utilizing a Dexterity or Technique build since so many people are returning to the game at the moment to check out the crossover.

10 Increase Pulse Cells 1 & 2

Upgrades In Phase 1 & Phase 2

Lies of P - Pulse Cell Increase 1 and 2

Upgrade Name

Quartz Cost



Increase Pulse Cells 1



Increase the maximum number of Pulse Cell uses.

Increase Pulse Cells 2



Increase the maximum number of Pulse Cell uses.

Regardless of the build a player is going for, there’s almost zero reason to ever ignore the ‘Increase Pulse Cell’s upgrades. More Estus means more chances to overcome a difficult encounter, and Pulse Cells are Lies of P’s version of Estus Flasks. Unless players are absolutely confident they won’t get hit, more healing items are always a worthwhile investment.

And, for Technique builds, Pinocchio tends to use weapons with less damage deflection on Guard. So, Technique players who don’t rely on their dodge will be losing a lot of health unnecessarily when they attempt (and sometimes fail) to Perfect Guard anyway, making this upgrade even more vital.

9 Increase Staggerable Window 1 & 2

Upgrades In Phase 1 & Phase 5

Lies of P - Staggerable Window 1 and 2

Upgrade Name

Quartz Cost



Increase Staggerable Window 1



Increase the time of the enemy’s Staggerable status.

Increase Staggerable Window 2



Increase the time of the enemy’s Staggerable status.

Again, it may seem like anything having to do with Stagger is more tailored towards Strength/Motivity builds. However, that’s not really how things work in Lies of P. Technique Builds, Advance Builds, and even the rare builds based around Legion Arms entirely still all depend on Staggering enemies and making use of Fatal Attack opportunities.

The damage from these opportunities is just too worthwhile to even think about ignoring. So, giving Pinocchio a bit more room to find that perfect window for a Charge Attack has a much larger impact than players might originally expect, which is why these upgrades are a must-have on just about any build.

An Upgrade In Phase 1

Lies of P - Link Dodge Upgrade

Upgrade Name

Quartz Cost



Link Dodge



Enables another dodge in the middle of a dodge motion.

While Link Dodge is an upgrade that’s pretty unnecessary for any Motivity build thats built around Perfect Guards and/or regular Guards, since players will be relying on their reaction time more than their dodging skills, it goes a long way in a Dexterity (AKA Technique) build.

Just because Lies of P has a Perfect Guard mechanic doesn’t mean players need to force themselves to use it all the time. In fact, with lighter (but faster) weapons, it’s actually more worthwhile to dodge and poke than it is to block and swing the majority of the time.

7 Add Fable Slots 1 & 2

Upgrades In Phase 1 & Phase 4

Lies of P - Fable Slots 1 and 2 Upgrades

Upgrade Name

Quartz Cost



Add Fable Slots 1



Increases the maximum number of charged Fable slots.

Add Fable Slots 2



Increases the maximum number of charged Fable slots.

As one would probably expect, Technique builds usually involve using more technical weapons than ridiculously simple ones and it involves a proper utilization of the controls of Pinocchio. And, there are a lot of Fable Arts, in particular, that go a long way for players who know how to use them. Fable Arts like Payback Stab, Absolute Defense, Absolute Counterattack, and Guard Parry can shred a boss’s health if executed with the proper timing and spacing.

But, to do this, players are going to keep their Fable Meter constantly filled. So, it only makes sense that increasing the total amount of Fable that Pinocchio has access to would go a long way toward letting Technique players utilize their Fable Arts more often.

6 Add Amulet Slots 1, 2, & 3

Upgrades In Phase 2, Phase 4, & Phase 7 (NG++)

Lies of P - Add Amulet Slots 1 And 2

Upgrade Name

Quartz Cost



Add Amulet Slots 1



Increases the number of equippable Amulet slots.

Add Amulet Slots 2



Increases the number of equippable Amulet slots.

Add Amulet Slots 3



Increases the number of equippable Amulet slots.

Sadly, while there is a lot of versatility and potential between builds when it comes to the abilities players will slot into their P-Organ upgrades, the actual upgrades themselves seem to have a lot of overlap in regard to recommendations for builds. In particular, upgrades like ‘Increase Pulse Cells’, ‘Increase Pulse Cell Recovery’, and ‘Add Amulet Slots’ are usually grabbed by just about everyone playing this game as soon as possible.


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Amulets are the only real ‘equipment’ players have control over in Lies of P that can heavily impact their stats such as overall Stamina, max Health, or even more unique things such as giving players the ability to dodge Fury Attacks. Because of this, players are going to want as many Amulet Slots as possible as soon as possible.

5 Enhance Pulse Cell Recovery 2 & 3

Upgrades In Phase 3 & Phase 6

Lies of P - Pulse Cell Recovery 2 and 3

Upgrade Name

Quartz Cost



Enhance Pulse Cell Recovery 2



Enhances the recovery effect of Pulse Cells.

Enhance Pulse Cell Recovery 3



Enhances the recovery effect of Pulse Cells.

While this next upgrade might not seem necessary to anyone playing who is still in the first 4 or so chapters of Lies of P, it’ll become more and more clear to them how useful this upgrade is as said player puts more points into their Vitality stat. After all, by the time players reach the end of the game, bosses can easily one-shot them in a single attack if their Vitality isn’t high enough.

And, on top of this, when players use their Pulse Cells to heal after a lethal attack (if they manage to survive it), that healing only fills up half the bar. So, grabbing this upgrade means they’ll be burning through their precious Pulse Cells at a much slower rate.

4 Increase Special Grindstone Uses

An Upgrade In Phase 4

Lies of P - Special Grindstone Uses Upgrade

Upgrade Name

Quartz Cost



Increase Special Grindstone Uses



Increases the maximum number of Special Grindstone uses (from 1 to 2).

There are many different builds in Lies of P that utilize the Grindstones that Venigni makes available to Pinocchio after he’s been rescued. However, outside of maybe the Stagger Damage Grindstone for Motivity Builds, the Critical Chance Grindstone for Technique builds seems to make the biggest impact.

Crit Chance is a stat usually reserved for Daggers, and even if players aren’t using a Dagger, this Grindstone makes it temporarily possible for their high-damage Technique weapons to critically hit for astronomical amounts of damage.

3 Perfect Guard Weapon Durability Recovery

An Upgrade In Phase 6

Lies of P - Perfect Guard Weapon Durability Recovery Upgrade

Upgrade Name

Quartz Cost



Perfect Guard Weapon Durability Recovery



Some of Weapon Durability is restored when a Perfect Guard is successful.

For the last three upgrades, let’s start talking about the ones in Phase 6 and Phase 7 of the P-Organ Tree. These last two Phases, those being 6 and 7, might sound odd for anyone who beat Lies of P, as they wouldn’t have seen Phase 6 or Phase 7 in their P-Organ menu. This is because these Phases only become available in NG+ and NG++ respectively. The Perfect Guard Weapon Durability Recovery upgrade is one that’s only available in NG+ onward in Phase 6, for example. As players progress further and further into Krat for the second time to re-discover the horrifying mysteries that lie within, they’ll find that each returning boss seems to drain their weapon’s durability faster and faster than before.


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However, as these players are aware, late-game bosses will barely give Pinocchio a second to collect his thoughts, let alone 5+ seconds to repair his weapon. So, even though Technique (Dexterity) builds don’t typically over-rely on Perfect Guards, this upgrade is still worthwhile as it allows Technique players to switch to Perfect Guarding to both Stagger the boss and regain Durability without having to leave themselves vulnerable while using their Grinder to repair their weapon.

2 Light Weight

A NG++ Upgrade In Phase 7

Lies of P - Examples Of All Weight Classes

Upgrade Name

Quartz Cost



Light Weight



Major weight reduction, you feel lighter.

Anyone who has played Lies of Por really any soulslike for at least a couple of hours is likely painfully aware of how vital the Capacity (AKA Weight Capacity) stat is. Even if players aren’t going for a ‘tanky’ build, they’re going to have to put at least 20 points into Capacity by the end of the game to keep themselves out of the ‘Slightly Heavy’ category.

So, getting an upgrade that pushes the minimum percentages for the Light, Regular, Slightly Heavy, and Heavy categories is probably about the best Upgrade in the whole P-Organ tree.

1 Fury Attack Guard

A NG++ Upgrade In Phase 7

Lies of P - Fury Attack Guard Organ Upgrade

Upgrade Name

Quartz Cost



Fury Attack Guard



Pinocchio can now block Fury Attacks with standard Guard.

Lastly, not even the Souls games do something as adventurous as giving players the ability to ignore a mechanic that they’ve had to interact with throughout their entire time with the game. However, Lies of P does this multiple times, first with the Ghost Walk Amulet that allows players to dodge Fury Attacks, then with the Fury Attack Guard P-Organ Upgrade.

While the Ghost Walk Amulet is the better option, since dodging a Fury Attack means zero damage as opposed to all the Guard Retain damage players take from guarding a Fury Attack, the P-Organ Upgrade is just a bit more practical.

lies of p-1

Lies of P

September 19, 2023

Round8 Studio , Neowiz
