While playing Silent Hill: The Short Message, the last thing players expect is a boss fight, but they pop up with more ferocity each time the player hits one. Chapter 3’s is particularly nasty, with a puzzle to be solved while running from the antagonist.
During Chapter 3 of Silent Hill: The Short Message, players will hit the toughest boss fight yet. Unlike the previous encounters, players can’t simply escape the boss. Instead, they must unlock a door, and that requires them to relive protagonist Anita’s memories by gathering pictures scattered around the hellscape of the otherworld version of the Villa. It’s an awful battle that drove us crazy while we were figuring it out, and we believe most others will struggle with it too.
Related: Previously Leaked Silent Hill: The Short Message Gets Rated in Taiwan and Korea
All Pictures for the Chapter 3 Boss Fight in Silent Hill: The Short Message
In the table below, we’ve outlined what all the pictures players must gather during the Chapter 3 boss fight in Silent Hill: The Short Message are. These are highlighted with white light in the corridors players will run through.
Players must gather these at speed because the boss will be chasing them the entire time. The route is tricky to work out, but as long as players kite the boss around the corridors, they’ll be able to return to any area to get a picture.
Picture | What to Look for |
Colorful Drawers | Once players enter the corridor for this boss fight, they’re forced to turn right. y following this path, they’ll reach a set of colorful drawers, and there’s a picture sitting on top of them. |
Suitcase |
Players can find one picture sat on top of a suitcase bathed in white light. |
Lockers |
In a room with a circular route that goes past some lockers, players can find a picture inside the locker in the middle of the stack. |
Table With Easel |
Players will rush past a table with an easel on it. This has a picture on it, and is easy to spot because of the white light. |
We are in the process of finding every picture and will update this table as we discover where more of them are.
Every time a player gets a picture, they’ll see the exit door close a chain in an image on Anita’s phone. Once all of the chains are gone, they need to run to that door. It’s located at the end of the corridor they first enter for this boss fight. The one where the boss rushes at them from the end of.
Unlike the locker code puzzle in Silent Hill: The Short Message, which could be different for everyone, this puzzle is the same for all players. Every picture is in the locations we’ve outlined. The hard part is getting them while the boss is rushing around trying to kill Anita.