Indie Horror The Mystery Of Eigengrau Is Looking Interesting

Indie Horror The Mystery Of Eigengrau Is Looking Interesting

We love checking out an indie project on Droid Gamers, and another fun, in-development project caught our attention this week. Developer Rigor Mortis Interactive released a short, 20-second piece of gameplay footage for upcoming horror title The Mystery Of Eigengrau via Reddit.

The current state of the game is a little rough around the edges, but comes with some nice lighting, good graphical fidelity, and a nicely uncluttered UI, which we love to see.

Into The Bunker

The gameplay we see appears to take place in some kind of underground bunker if the grimy concrete walls and heavy metal doors are anything to go by.

As the clip begins we see someone run across in front of us, complete with a slightly janky sound effect, and disappear behind one of the aforementioned doors. What was that all about? Well, the door seems firmly shut, so there’s not much chance of finding out immediately.

Soon we discover we’re not alone in the damp underground chamber with bloodstains on the walls. There’s another fellow in one of the rooms, but he seems… busy. Mostly he’s clawing at his own head.

Probably best to leave him to it, really.

He’s Probably Fine

There is good news, we find a heavy pipe lying on the bed. Is that some part of an unseen puzzle? Or will you be expected to beat a monster to death with it in short order? Our minds are filled with possibilities.

The project appears to be very much still in development, but the developer seems very open to feedback, so if you think that The Mystery Of Eigengrau is worth your attention then now’s a great time to have your voice heard on it.

We do love a small project here to balance out the huge titles, so we’ll certainly be keeping an eye out to see how it goes.

If you want to keep up with the project, check out the developer’s Facebook page for regular updates.

Want to play some horror games now? Take a look at our feature on the best Android horror games.