The Searing Mountain – Released version 1.3.2 news

The Searing Mountain – Released version 1.3.2 news

Important changes like a new female model character, many fixes, new features and removed mistakes on levels.

I’ve been working for a couple months on The Searing Mountain. It’s a fantasy game with a female warrior and her dragon. Important changes include a completely new character that I’ve made in Blender, thanks to that it was easier for me to add more customizable equipment for the main character. I decided to remove multiplayer mode, it was quite complicated to develop and I didn’t get a sufficient number of players, it’ll include more work on botmatch mode instead.

Singleplayer levels didn’t change much in design, however it has important shading changes, like fixed problems with lightmaps settings, removed strange artifacts for texture blend shading and changed render pipeline to built-in which resulted in better shadows.

Crystal Mines 2

Now it’s released version 1.3.2. The project will get future updates but rather by small steps instead of bigger changes, it should avoid problems with bad design I mean like making the game too fast and do it thoughtfully.

Crystal Mines 1

There is also one air botmatch map added called Nemesis. It’s a map to exercise aerial skills and for me good way to testing and improving dragon mechanics.