How Sonic Games Mastered Female Character Growth With Amy Rose


  • Amy Rose has always had the potential to be a strong female leader, but her character was often watered down and overshadowed by her crush on Sonic.
  • Amy Rose has consistently shown compassion and the ability to make important interventions, such as stopping Sonic from attacking E-102 Gamma.
  • With the help of IDW comics and recent games like Sonic Forces, Amy Rose has evolved into a responsible and dependable character, becoming one of the best female role models for young girls.

When the series first started, some Sonic the Hedgehog games weren’t too kind to a certain Miss Amy Rose. She may have had some character, but it was overall negative or for fun, and she was usually written off as the creepily obsessive girl who had a massive crush on Sonic. However, in recent years, with the help of new Sonic the Hedgehog games and IDW Comics, Amy Rose has become the girl she always had the potential to be.

With the latest games, she’s seen in more of a leadership role and someone her friends can depend on. However, it isn’t as if these traits weren’t there before. It was just that her crush on Sonic got blown up in some iterations of her. But Sonic‘s Amy Rose has always been someone her friends counted on, she’s always had the ability to be a leader, and she’s always been a strong female character.


Why 2023 is the Year of Amy Rose

With the recent trends found in the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise, Sega seems to be celebrating Amy Rose by making 2023 into her year.

Amy Rose: The Example Girls Needed

The Amy Rose of the Past

Amy Rose has typically been watered down as the obsessive girl with an even more obsessive crush. She’s been called bossy, out of control, and insane. She may have had a crush on Sonic, but she also admired him. She had her controlling moments for sure, but once she got them under wraps, she became a wonderful leader. Viewing her through a more negative lens completely erases the traits that she’s always been shown to have. Amy’s had her moments in Sonic games, but it is important fans know she is more than that.

Amy has always been a compassionate character. There have been moments where she even dared to stop Sonic, of all people, when he misunderstood situations, such as back in Sonic Adventure when she stopped Sonic from attacking E-102 Gamma. She directly intervened because she had previously made a shift in Gamma’s programming, making him realize he doesn’t have to blindly follow Eggman’s orders.

Things like this have usually been overlooked in favor of bashing her character, however. And it isn’t as though sometimes her writing has been inconsistent, or she has shown these bad traits. Especially in Sonic Heroes, where she continuously seems to demand Sonic marry her. However, Sonic Heroes was a game in which every team needed an excuse to fight one another. Besides, Sonic doesn’t seem to take her too seriously in the 1v1 matches Team Rose and Team Sonic have. And even if he did, only focusing on how Amy pleaded for marriage is still being blind to how good of a friend she was to both Sonic‘s Cream and Big as she helped track down their missing friends (Chocola and Froggy.)

Amy Rose in the Modern Era

With the help of the IDW comics and recent games such as Sonic Forces, fans can see the potential Amy Rose has always had. She leads the revolution and is someone everyone can depend on. She’s also one of the few to keep her faith in Sonic still being alive. Her crush on Sonic is teased, but it isn’t a defining part of her character. In the comics, she is shown to be far more responsible and dependable. She’s evolved from her old days when fans could argue she isn’t a good role model or a good character. But now in the modern day, Amy Rose has to be one of the best female role models for young girls.

Sonic Forces

Sonic Forces

Sonic Forces

November 7, 2017

Platformer , Shooter , Fighting , Adventure

hedgehog 2


How Long To Beat
4 Hours