The Free White War expansion is live now! news – Isonzo

The new Marmolada map is now out and available for everyone!
The snowy mountain top and beautiful glacial trenches will surely make this a one of a kind experience in Isonzo!
Included as well are 3 new weapons and cosmetic (paid) DLC!

Hello Soldiers!

It’s time to embark on the cold Marmolada mountain and explore the glacial trenches. The first map of our White War expansion, Marmolada, is available now! Alongside this map, 3 new weaponshave been added as well as a new strikingly coolcosmetic DLC can be purchased as well, the Glacial Units!

And last but not least, for the potential new recruits, we got some extra exciting news for you, starting later today. Find more about it further down in this announcement.

Want to prepare yourself for the map before jumping in? Read our devblog about the Marmolada map. So you’re fully ready to explore the maze-like Ice City.

To give you some information, for Marmolada in Isonzo, the Italians will be the attacking side, which means the Austro-Hungarians will be defending the mountain and their Ice City. Starting off, the Italians will be placed on the mountain side in the open, surrounded by snow. Fighting for objectives outside on the snowy mountain top, making your way through the tunnels of the Ice City to eventually make your way to the final objective; This map is unlike any other in the game.

As for the new weapons; the Vetterli Mod.1870 for Italy, Austria-Hungary gets the Repetier-Gewehr M.14 and the Germans receive the Gewehr 71/84

Glacial Units

As stated above, the update comes with a new cosmetic DLC, the Glacial Units! This pack consists of 40+ items.

DLC cuts PS Glacial Master Image

  • 6 Italian Uniforms

  • 13 Italian Headgear Items

  • 6 Austro-Hungarian Uniforms

  • 13 Austro-Hungarian Headgear Items

  • 7 Facial Items

  • 5 Mustaches

  • 2 Faces (one per faction)

One of the most important things you could wear during a cold snowstorm is a warm winter coat. This is one of the items you’ll find in the DLC. The Austro-Hungarians get utilitarian snow overcoats, and later war grey greatcoats – there’s even an Austro-Hungarian officer forgoing all the style and bombast befitting his rank in preference for an ill-fitting white overcoat.

If you play as an Italian soldier, you can wear a selection of greatcoats, a fashionable open army cape or a warm sheep’s wool vest. The Italian Alpini enjoy a uniform kitted out with ice climbing cleats and a stylish cape, while their officers can luxuriate with a fur collared greatcoat.


New recruits making it to front

The news is not stopping! Today at 7PM CET, Isonzo will be available in a Free Weekendon Steam for the first time! Until November 13, players can try Isonzo for free, so expect a lot of fresh, new recruits on the battlefield. Be sure to help them out if they have any questions. You can’t win a war alone after all 😉

If you would like to continue your fight on the Italian Front after the free weekend on Steam, or would like to join on console, you can get Isonzo here! Steam, Epic, Xbox & PlayStation. Depending on your platform, there might already be sales live or happening later at 7PM CET.

As for now, Isonzo has 11 maps for you to battle on. Have you been able to be victorious in all of them? Which one is your favourite? We’re sure that this new Marmolada map will become a beloved map for many of you.

maps overview november marmolada

Show us your drip and plays!

Be sure to show us your most epic, funny or bizarre plays in the Ice City! Or are you rocking the new Glacial look? We want to see it! Be sure to share it with us in our Discord or on Twitter using #GreetingsfromIceCity.

propaganda marmolada poster artb