Home Guide 2024 Nobel Peace Prize: Winner to be announced in Oslo | Nobel...

2024 Nobel Peace Prize: Winner to be announced in Oslo | Nobel Peace Prize

2024 Nobel Peace Prize: Winner to be announced in Oslo | Nobel Peace Prize

Major events

Who is nominated?

In total, 286 candidates – 197 individuals and 89 organizations – are known to have been nominated this year, up from 351 last year.

Although nominees can reveal who they have proposed, the Norwegian Nobel Committee has kept the names of nominees secret for 50 years, meaning there is no certainty about the full list of nominees.

Some notable nominees this year include the UN refugee agency UNHCR, Pope Francis and British naturalist David Attenborough.

Bookmakers have Russian dissident Alexei Navalny, who died in an Arctic penal colony in February, as one of the winners of this year's prize, but that won't happen because no one can receive the prize posthumously.

Another bookies' favourite, Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelenskiy, is unlikely to win because he is the leader of a country at war.

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How does the prize work?

Nominations for potential winners may be submitted by government ministers and MPs of sovereign nations, heads of state, senior international lawyers, directors of peace research and foreign policy institutes, university professors in selected fields, and former Nobel Peace Prize laureates.

Like other Nobel prizes, the award consists of a diploma, a gold medal, and $1 million. The prizes are awarded at ceremonies in Stockholm and Oslo on December 10, the anniversary of the 1896 death of scientist and prize creator Alfred Nobel.

The winner is selected by a secretive five-person panel made up of Norwegian nationals (mostly former politicians, but not members of the current government or current MPs) and specially appointed expert advisers.

Its members this year include former Education Minister Kristin Clemet, foreign policy expert Asle Toje, former Culture and Equality Minister Anne Enger, and Gry Larsen, a former senior civil servant.

Newly appointed chairman Jørgen Vadne Friednes only took over from his predecessor Berit Reiss-Andersen in February this year. He was previously CEO of a leading Norwegian hospitality company.

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Welcome to the blog

Welcome to the Guardian's live coverage of the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize, whose winner will be announced in Oslo in an hour.

The Peace Prize is the only Nobel Prize awarded in the Norwegian capital; Others are announced in Stockholm. The choice of winner is often unexpected, and if the group is trying to send a message, it can be controversial.

Last year's prize, for example, went to a jailed Iranian women's rights activist Nargis MohammadiA clear rebuke to Tehran's theocratic leaders and a boost to the country's anti-government protesters.

Past winners include presidents, campaigners and organizations from Jimmy Carter to Mikhail Gorbachev, Nelson Mandela to Liu Xiaobo, and from the European Union to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons.

This year's prize, which has been awarded since 1901, pays particular attention to wars in the Middle East, Ukraine and around the world. Follow us here for all the development, announcements – and reaction.

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