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8 tips on how to prepare your cat for the birth of a baby

8 tips on how to prepare your cat for the birth of a baby

The birth of a baby is a moment of great joy for the family, but it can also cause discomfort for pets, especially cats. Routines change, new sounds and smells appear, and the attention of caregivers is shared. These changes can cause stress and anxiety in cats that are sensitive to changes in the environment.

Some care can help your cat adjust to the arrival of a baby.

Photo: Sergey Chirkov | Shutterstock/EdiCase Portal

Stress can cause urine marks or scratching, diarrhea, occasional vomiting, excessive vocalization, hair loss, compulsive licking, and changes in eating and sleeping patterns.

“In extreme cases, long-term stress can even cause more serious health problems, such as gastrointestinal disorders, skin problems or weakened immunity,” says Marina Tiba, veterinarian and product manager of the Companion Animal Department at Ceva Saúde Animal.

That's why it's essential prepare the cat to this new stage, creating a safe and comfortable environment in which the child can adapt well and even develop a positive bond with the child. See below how to do it!

1. Gradually introduce the sounds your baby makes

Cats have very sensitive hearing and a baby's crying may scare them at first. To avoid this, you can expose your cat to these sounds before the baby arrives by using recordings of crying at a low volume and gradually increasing the volume. This will help you get used to it and reduce the impact of the actual noise. Additionally, always associate these sounds with positive things, such as a treat or affection, to create a pleasant experience.

2. Create a safe space for your cat

Before your baby is born, make sure your cat has a quiet place to hide. The arrival of a baby changes the routine and noise level in the home, which can be stressful for your pet. “You cats like it predictability. Therefore, when something changes in its environment, it is natural for it to hide to face the challenge,” explains Marina Tiba.

According to the veterinarian, cats often need time to adapt to a new experience. “Therefore, if an animal begins to hide more often than usual, the owner must be patient and create as positive, calm and peaceful an atmosphere as possible, as reducing stress will help reduce the animal's hiding habit,” he recommends.

3. Get your cat used to changes in the environment

If you are going to make changes to your home, for example by arranging a child's room, make these changes gradually. Cats do not tolerate sudden changes in their environment; Therefore, assembling the bed, furniture, and even introducing new smells should be done gradually so that the animal gets used to it.

“A changing environment can be challenging for cats. They need time to get used to it. In this case, allow the animal to hide, providing safe and familiar spaces, so that it feels comfortable and gradually begins to discover and interact with its new home,” explains the veterinarian.

Once your child returns home, try to maintain the cat's rhythm

Photo: JoeSAFotos | Shutterstock/EdiCase Portal

4. Maintain your bone rhythm

Even after your baby arrives, try to maintain yourself your cat's routine as stable as possible. Feeding, playing and cuddling times should not change drastically. These animals value routine, and maintaining it will help reduce the stress of change.

“We make animals less anxious, less agitated, when their routine is maintained, when the animal knows what will happen and when its needs are met. Any change in his daily life increases his anxiety and therefore makes him more agitated,” explains Caroline Mouco Moretti, clinical veterinarian and CEO of Grupo Vet Popular.

5. Introduce your cat to new scents

Before taking the baby home, introduce the cat to the newborn's smell using, for example, the clothes or blanket it used in the hospital. Cats rely heavily on their sense of smell to recognize changes in their environment. By becoming familiar with it, you will make it easier to adapt when your baby is finally home.

6. Use pheromones to calm your cat

Synthetic pheromones, found in diffusers or sprays, can help calm your cat during the adjustment period. This is because these products provide a sense of peace and security that can be helpful to maintain relaxed pussy with the arrival of the baby.

7. Supervise meetings

Once your baby is born, introduce your cat to your cat in a calm and controlled manner, allowing your pet to explore and learn about your newborn at its own pace – without forcing contact – and under close adult supervision. Thanks to this, the cat does not feel threatened or anxious, and at the same time protects the child against an unexpected reaction from the animal.

8. Don't ignore your cat after having a baby

Even if your child demands attention, try to find time to devote to him love your cat. This is important so that they don't feel rejected or anxious. A cat that feels loved and safe is more likely to adapt well to its new family member.

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