5 Underrated Junji Ito Stories To Read While You Wait For Uzumaki

5 Underrated Junji Ito Stories To Read While You Wait For Uzumaki

You might have heard about it in our previous news piece, but the Uzumaki anime is on the way. We’re super excited about it here at Kongbakpao, but how do you pass the time until September? Well, there are tons of underrated Junji Ito stories that aren’t quite as well-known as Uzumaki, Tomie, or Amigara Fault. Here we’re going over just a few of the best.

5 Underrated Junji Ito Stories To Read While You Wait For Uzumaki

Here are our five picks. The first four are in no particular order, but the final one is our favorite.

The Window Next Door

Image for our underrated Junji Ito stories feature. It shows an image from The Window Next Door with a strange woman smiling, most of her face in shadow.

Sometimes horror isn’t far away. The Window Next Door focuses on living next to something horrendous. Hiroshi is getting to know his new neighborhood, and learns the house next to theirs has a reclusive owner who never goes outside. Or at least, that’s what people tell him.

When she calls to him through the window at night, Hiroshi soon finds that she’s far more friendly than he’d like.

Layers Of Fear

Something that’s not often talked about with Ito is the running theme of the torment of a toxic family life. This is exemplified in Layers Of Fear.

The story follows Narumi, the neglected sibling to her adored sister Reimi. Their mother dotes on the pretty and talented Reimi, focusing all their resources on her. But when an accident lacerates Reimi’s face, they discover, rather than a wound, a replica of her face underneath.

Both sisters are affected by a curse, and Narumi thinks she knows how to fight it, but their mother has other plans that result in a nightmarish turn of events.

Town Without Streets

Another story that follows the ‘hell is other people’ theme is Town Without Streets, though this one is perhaps even stranger. It follows Saiko, a young woman whose family appears to spy on her relentlessly. She is constantly blocking peep holes made in her walls and ceiling. When addressed about it, they deny it.

Sick of her lack of privacy, Saiko runs away to find her aunt in another part of town. However, as she reaches the area she finds a sinister shantytown hellscape waiting for her. There are no streets, with the masked denizens walking through other people’s homes. Saiko is constantly watched, and to make it worse, there’s a serial killer on the loose.

It’s not often that you could describe a Junji Ito story as ‘wholesome’ but Gentle Goodbye probably comes closest. It follows Riko, a young woman who marries into a prestigious family. The relatives seem to treat her with extreme indifference, but that’s not the strangest thing about the house.

Riko spots pale, translucent figures moving through the house. These are ‘after-images’, thoughtforms of dead relatives conjured by the family as a way to keep a connection with them after they’d passed on. This strikes a chord with Riko’s own fear, the death of her own father.

This touching reflection on love and grief isn’t without its twists, and it begs another read after you learn the truth to understand a lot of unanswered questions.

Long Dream

Some truly existential horror, Long Dream will stick with you far after reading. A young is admitted to a hospital with some strange symptoms. He’s physically healthy, but his dreams keep stretching out for longer and longer periods of time. His waking days seem months apart.

The Doctor struggles to relieve the man’s suffering, but becomes plagued with questions. What happens when you dream an endless dream?

Eager to read some of these? Check out the official Junji Ito VIZ site for some of the books.