Attack On Titan Revolution Family Skill Tree Guide – Gamezebo

Our Attack On Titan Revolution Family Skill Tree Guide explains what a skill tree is and the different family skill trees there are.

To play for yourself, visit the official Roblox website. We have some other Attack On Titan Revolution posts too, why not check out our Attack On Titan Revolution ODM Gear Guide and our Attack on Titan Revolution Raids guides.

Attack On Titan Revolution Family Skill Tree Guide

Attack On Titan Revolution features different Skill Trees in the game. They are: Family, Offense, Defense and Support. When you begin the game and roll into a family, you have a chance to access a Family Skill Tree. It’s important to note that not all families have this, so keep your eyes peeled when you’re rolling to see who you get.

Legendary Family Skill Trees

  • Ackerman Skill Tree
    • Swift Strikes – Teleports you in the range of 5 nearby Titans to kill them.
    • Let it RIP – Perform a spinning wheel move to slash anything in your path for a few seconds
    • Acker Rage
    • +1 Offensive slot
  • Reis Skill Tree
    • Arise – Instantly shifts and bypasses the max requirements for the shifting bar
    • Command – Controls up to 10 Titans to attack the nearest enemies
    • Conquer – Immobilizes all pure Titans in your vicinity for 5 seconds
    • +1 Support Slot
  • Yeager Skill Tree
    • Berserk Mode – Increase shifting DMG by 25% with constant regeneration. The user is stunned for 10 seconds after this Skill
    • Shifter Regen – Regens 50 health and heals all injuries over a period of time with a 100-second cooldown
    • Invigorate
    • Resolve – Restores your HP fully and refills 50% of your gas supply
    • +1 Defensive Slot

Epic Family Skill Tree

  • Zoe Skill Tree
    • Last Stand – Embraces the end, stunting you at 40% of your max HP for 30 seconds. User loses all healing ability and ignores any injuries
    • +15% DMG
    • +30% DMG Reduction
    • +15% ODM Speed
    • Death on injury if hit during within the 30 seconds
  • Shifter Regen – Regenerates 50 health and all injuries over a period of time and has a 100-second cooldown