How To Get Gold Skins In Anime Unlimited Reborn (AUR)

There’s been a cool new update to Anime Unlimited Reborn (AUR)! Now, you can update the look of your characters with shiny gold skins for your favorite characters. There is obviously a prerequisite for this, and there are some things to keep in mind, but we’ll go over it all below.

If you like Anime Unlimted: Reborn, make sure to check out our codes page on the game. Also, you should read our guide on how to get Sanji.

Anime Unlimited Reborn (AU:R) – How To Get Gold Skins

There is now a great new goal in Anime Unlimited Reborn (AUR): unlocking gold skins for all characters. You unlock gold skins if you get 500 kills with a character. This skin will be specialized just for each character, but not for every single one.

Don’t worry—the game already has a log of how many you’ve beaten with certain characters. This way, you can see how many you have left or get the skin if you’ve already passed the threshold. So there may be many you’ve already done this with, and your favorites are likely close, if not there already.

It’s important for players to know that not every character will have a gold skin right away. However, the game creators have promised players that they will slowly add gold skins for all characters in the future. We don’t know when or in what order the rest will get, but it’s likely to come in the next update.

Golden skins are purely cosmetic and add nothing to your characters, so don’t expect anything other than the visual reward. We don’t have an image yet, but as soon as we get one, we’ll update this guide.

What Characters Can You Get Golden Skins For In AU:R?

Currently, these are the only characters you can get gold skins for:

  • gold_21
  • gold_goku
  • gold_yoruichi
  • gold_luffy
  • gold_sanji
  • gold_law
  • gold_shanks
  • gold_gojo
  • gold_doomfist
  • gold_neji
  • gold_jotaro
  • gold_urokada

We imagine the list will grow in time.

How To Get Golden Skins Fast in AU:R

If you only care about getting golden skins, there is an easy way to do this. Just beat all of the enemies in the early levels and worlds. Those are the weakest, and if you’ve already gotten far in the game, they won’t take long. The game isn’t asking for bosses or high-level enemies; it is just enemies in general.

So, if you want to do it the easy way, feel free to go back and cheese your way through it. There’s no harm in earning your skin quickly.