YouTuber YourFellowArab Released Following Haiti Kidnapping


  • Recently, YourFellowArab’s abduction in Haiti sparked concern as the 400 Mawozo gang demanded $600,000 in return.
  • The group ultimately released YourFellowArab unconditionally and without ransom, with the event seemingly motivated by skin color.
  • Content creators, like YourFellowArab, sometimes face unforeseen risks while pursuing captivating content.

The popular YouTube personality Addison Pierre Maalouf, known online as YourFellowArab, has been released unharmed after being kidnapped in Haiti a couple of weeks ago. The news comes as a relief to the YouTube creator’s devoted followers, who had been anxiously awaiting updates on his safety since the abduction.

In today’s highly competitive and fast-paced digital content landscape, creators are often driven to push the boundaries in order to deliver the most engaging experiences for their audiences. This thirst for unique and captivating content can sometimes lead them to venture into risky and unpredictable situations, as was the case with popular YouTuber YourFellowArab. Recently, news came out that YourFellowArab and his companion were abducted while traveling in Haiti by the notorious 400 Mawozo gang, who demanded a ransom of $600,000 for the release of the hostages, which caused great concern among his many fans.


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YouTuber YourFellowArab Released

YourFellowArab, though not among the most prominent YouTubers, boasts a substantial following of over 1.4 million subscribers and has now been liberated. He personally confirmed his release via a social media post, expressing gratitude to God with the words “Cameraman never dies. I’ve been released. Glory be to God. Christ is King.” He further indicated that his abduction was motivated by his skin color, stating, “I was kidnapped purely for the color of my skin. I was kidnapped for being ‘Blanc’.” However, he refrained from providing further details until he returned home safely.

While the circumstances surrounding his release remain somewhat unclear, journalist Dan Cohen shed some light on the situation. Cohen tweeted that Lanmo Sanjou, purportedly the leader of the 400 Mawozo gang, announced the release of YourFellowArab and his Haitian fixer in a video, stating that they were freed unconditionally and without ransom. According to Cohen, Jimmy ‘Barbecue’ Cherizier intervened to secure Maalouf’s release, despite an offer of $100,000 made for the purpose.

The news of YourFellowArab’s release was met with an outpouring of support and relief from the online community. Renowned Twitch streamer Nickmercs and content creator Clix expressed their gratitude and joy over his safe return, while some users eagerly anticipated YourFellowArab’s next video following his ordeal.

Over the years, several cases have emerged where content creators encountered troubles, ranging from an IRL Twitch streamer being robbed at gunpoint to another streamer crashing his bike resulting in a broken collarbone. These incidents serve as a reminder of the risks and challenges associated with creating content in various environments.