Every Pickaxes In The Chapter 5 Season 2 Battle Pass, Ranked


  • Chapter 5 Season 2 Battle Pass in
    features new unique pickaxes inspired by Greek gods like Zeus and Artemis.
  • The pickaxes, such as Heart’s Carver, Shaderippers, and Gorgonblade, showcase intricate designs and colors that match the gods’ themes.
  • High-quality pickaxes like Bolt Blades and Hadean Key, with unique designs and colors, add depth and excitement to the Battle Pass in Fortnite.

In Fortnite, every chapter brings forth new seasons that add various items to the Battle Pass, such as pickaxes, skins, emotes, and gliders. Each season has a unique theme, with Chapter 5 Season 2 being based on Greek mythology, with gods such as Zeus, Artemis, and much more inspiring much of the map and content.


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With the theme of Greek gods and Olympus heavily presiding over the season, many items in the Battle Pass stand out through their Olympus themes, such as the pickaxes. The Chapter 5 Season 2 Battle Pass contains 11 different pickaxes that bring a wealth of content to the game, although certain pickaxes from the pass will surely please Fortnite players through their unique designs.

Updated on March 12, 2024, by Alex Lawrence: This list has been updated to adapt to Fortnite’s newest season, Chapter 5 Season 2, and its pickaxes in the Battle Pass from Myths & Monsters, as well as showing off the pickaxes, their styles, and just what players need to unlock them all.

7 Heart’s Carver

Sword Pickaxe From The Goddess Of The Heart Set

  • How To Unlock – Reach Level 14 & Spend 7 Battle Stars
  • Rarity – Rare

The Heart’s Carver is available early in the Battle Pass, with the pickaxe being claimable at level 14. The sword pickaxe belongs to the Goddess of the Heart set, fronted by Aphrodite. With Aphrodite being the goddess of love and beauty, the set’s pickaxes of Heart’s Carver and its alternative style, Immortal Heart’s Carver, feature a heart as its main design feature.

With the appearance of a sword, the Heart’s Carver solely focuses on the heart being its main attraction, while the Immortal Heart’s Carver adopts a more colorful and vibrant pink color scheme.

6 Shaderippers

Dual-Wielding Pickaxe From The Grim Gatekeeper Set

  • How To Unlock – Purchase The Battle Pass & Spend 7 Battle Stars
  • Rarity – Rare

The Shaderippers are unlocked from the start of the Battle Pass, with the dual-blade pickaxe belonging to the Grim Gatekeeper Set belonging to Cerberus. The Shaderippers feature a dog design on the pickaxe that uses shades of black, gold, and turquoise to illuminate the dog’s head.

The design of the pickaxe is based on its set in which Cerberus is known to be a three-headed dog that guards the depths of the underworld. Its alternative style, Immortal Shaderippers, unlocked later on at level 5, has a brighter appearance, using gold, silver, and blue to create a lavish pickaxe style.

5 The Gorgonblade

Stylish Pickaxe From The Serpentstone Set

  • How To Unlock – Reach Level 38 & Spend 7 Battle Stars
  • Rarity – Rare

The Gorgonblade belongs to the Medusa set in the Battle Pass, with the pickaxe being unlocked at level 38. Like its alternative style, the Warrior’s Gorgonblade, the dual-blade pickaxe features a snake encrusted along the blade. Unlike the Warrior’s Gorgonblade, the snake keeps the same color of blue instead of intertwining two different colors. Despite The Gorgonblade’s blue color scheme, its handle features a green coating that adds a different texture to the pickaxe, making it a visually pleasing pickaxe for building.


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With the Warrior’s Gorgonblade unlocked at level 46, the weapon changes color from purple to pink as the snake reaches the blade’s tip, creating a unique and vibrant design choice that makes both styles appealing.

4 Breakshore Trident

Bright And Bold Pickaxe From The Tidal King Set

Breakshore Trident pickaxe in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2

  • How To Unlock – Reach Level 26 & Spend 7 Battle Stars
  • Rarity – Rare

The Breakshore Trident is a pickaxe unlocked at level 26, with the skin belonging to the god of the sea, Poseidon, and his Tidal King set. Although not the first trident in Fortnite, with Aquaman’s Trident arriving in 2020, the Breakshore Trident is a perfect fit for Poseidon, with the turquoise and gold color mirroring the god of the sea’s skin.

While the trident’s blade is entirely covered in turquoise, the pickaxe’s shaft is coated in white. The base and tip of the shaft both appear in gold, with turquoise diamonds featured, creating a clean design.

3 Arrowpoint Carver

Ethereal Pickaxe From The Queen Of The Hunt Set

  • How To Unlock – Reach Level 74 & Spend 7 Battle Stars
  • Rarity – Rare

The Arrowpoint Carver pickaxe is a one-handed pickaxe that heavily resembles a crossbow. The Arrowpoint Carver is a pickaxe that belongs to the Queen of the Hunt set, which includes the Greek goddess Artemis, the goddess of the wilderness. What stands out about the Arrowpoint Carver is its unique crossbow design, meshed with its blue color scheme, which gives the pickaxe an ethereal feel that perfectly befits the season’s theme.

Unlocked at level 74, its alternative style, Immortal Arrowpoint Carver, is coated in orange and red, with its appearance making the pickaxe look like a flaming crossbow. The vivid and fierce colors featured make the pickaxe stand out in the Battle Pass as one of the best.

2 Hadean Key

Ominous Pickaxe From The Underworld King Set

Hadean Key pickaxe in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2

  • How To Unlock – Reach Level 86 & Spend 7 Battle Stars
  • Rarity – Legendary

The Hadean Key is the final pickaxe available in the Battle Pass as well as being the only legendary rarity pickaxe. Unlocked at level 86, players will have to grind for the special pickaxe that belongs to the Underworld King set, fronted by the imperial Greek god, Hades. As Hades is the king of the underworld, The Hadean Key’s design choice, being a key, represents Hades being the ruler of his domain, with the pickaxe encapsulating the dread of the underworld.


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Although the distinctive gold makes the pickaxe shine, its star characteristic is its shaft, which features an ominous and haunting design that includes dark purple and black. In the middle of the shaft, green lines emanate around the shaft, representing the power of Hades and his tools.

1 Bolt Blades

Thunderous Pickaxe From The King Of Olympus Set

Bolt Blades pickaxe in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2

  • How To Unlock – Reach Level 62 & Spend 7 Battle Stars
  • Rarity – Rare

The Bolt Blades is a dual-blade pickaxe that stands out entirely as one of the best of Chapter 5 Season 2’s Battle Pass. Unlocked at level 62, the Bolt Blades belong to the god of sky and thunder, Zeus, and his King of Olympus set. With Zeus being the god of thunder, his set uses thunder as its primary design, with the Bolt Blades being depicted as two blades coated in bright blue thunder.

The Bolt Blades’ appearance gives off a powerful and badass aura, with the pickaxe resembling the Thunderbolt of Zeus, a mythic weapon introduced in the season.
