How to Get Helldusk Gloves

Baldur’s Gate 3 is a massive RPG overflowing with stuff to do. Act 3 finally brings your party to the titular city of Baldur’s Gate. This is one of the largest areas to explore and can be overwhelming. You will cement alliances with your companions and various factions in this act. You’ll need all the help you can get in the upcoming final battle.

You also gain access to one of the best armor sets in the game, called the Helldusk Armor. This heavy armor set is even better than the Flawed Helldusk armor that you could have made earlier on. The Helldusk Gloves are easy to miss, and you only have one opportunity to acquire them. Here is the only way to get the Helldusk Gloves.


Baldur’s Gate 3: Best Level 2 Spells, Ranked

These are the best level 2 spells that players can obtain in Baldur’s Gate 3, ranked from worst to best.

Infriltrate the House of Hope

A map displays the location of Devil's Fee

Whether or not you’ve made a deal with the devil Raphael, you can still break into his House of Hope in Act 3. Visit the Devil’s Fee shop in the Lower City part of Baldur’s Gate. It’s located directly to the north of the Lower City Central Wall fast travel point.

Astarion speaks to Helsik in her shop

Helsik runs this shop and is an expert thief specializing in robbing devils. Make a deal with her or pay a hefty fee for the ritual instructions. Complete the ritual on the upper floor to create a portal to the House of Hope.

Helldusk Gloves Location


The Helldusk Gloves are located in the Boudoir in the northern area of the House of Hope. You will meet a character named Hope who will beg for your help in releasing her. She will also give the party a disguise, so you blend in with the other debtors. The NPCs in the area will be friendly as long as you wear the disguise and don’t cause any trouble.


The gloves themselves are being carried by the character taking residence in the boudoir. Haarlep is an incubus wearing the face and body of Raphael and you must defeat them to get the Helldusk Gloves.

Defeat Haarlep

There are multiple ways to get into the Boudoir and deal with the Haarlep. If your party has high athletics, you can step out onto the terrace to the east of the boudoir. Jump from each set of rocks then up into the Boudoir. Sneak in for a critical sneak attack on them when they’re asleep to get an early advantage. They will call six Vengeful Imps to their aid after a turn. These small flying enemies will only cast Eldritch Blast, so keep your party members away from any ledges as they can get knocked away to their doom.

Haarlep is not that difficult save for their Ethereal Escape spell. This allows them to react to any attack by becoming temporarily immune to damage until the next turn. Bait out an opportunity attack to spend their reaction for a turn to maximize your damage.

The Archivist has a Deception speech check

If you cannot sneak into the boudoir, you can get an invitation from the Archivist. Visit the Archives and convince him you are Zariel’s High Inquisitor. You can learn that he fears her by speaking to Hope or detecting his thoughts. Deceive him to receive the invitation, and you can step through the front barrier to the Boudoir. Reject all of Haarlep’s advances and fight them. The Helldusk Gloves can be looted off their body once they are defeated.


Baldur’s Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate

August 3, 2023

M for Mature: Blood and Gore, Partial Nudity, Sexual Content, Strong Language, Violence