Which Class Is The Best At Magic?

Baldur’s Gate 3 showcases many classes in the game, giving the player plenty of options to pick from when playing.


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Some players might want to delve deeper into magic, so here are the best classes when it comes to tackling this aspect of this mesmerizing game.

Which BG3 Classes Are Good At Magic?

Baldur’s Gate 3 has a large array of classes to pick from, and almost all of them can use magic to some degree. However, melee-focused classes will often be pretty bad at using spells.

When it comes to using magic, these classes stand out in the game:






You know music is more than a fancy – it is power. Through study and adventure, you have mastered song, speech, and the magic within

  • College of Lore
  • College of Valour
  • College of Swords



Clerics are representatives of the gods they worship, wielding potent divine magic for good or ill.

  • Life domain
  • Light domain
  • Knowledge domain
  • Trickery domain
  • Nature domain
  • Tempest domain
  • War domain



Druids channel the elemental forces of nature and share a deep kinship with animals. Mastery of Wild Shape allows them to transform into beasts from all over the Realms.

  • Circle of the Moon
  • Circle of the Land
  • Circle of the Spores



Fuelled by the Oaths you swore to uphold justice and righteousness, you are a beacon of hope in dark times.

  • Oath of the Ancients
  • Oath of Devotion
  • Oath of Vengeance



Rangers are unrivaled scouts and trackers, honing a deep connection with nature in order to hunt their favored prey.

  • Beast Master
  • Gloom Stalker
  • Hunter



Sorcerers are natural spellcasters, drawing on inherent magic from a gift or bloodline.

  • Wild Magic
  • Draconic Bloodline
  • Storm Sorcery



Bound by a pact to an all-powerful patron, warlocks trade their loyalty for supernatural abilities and unique magic.

  • The Fiend
  • The Great Old One
  • The Archfey



Wizards master the arcane by specializing in individual schools of magic, combining ancient spells with modern research.

  • Abjuration
  • Evocation
  • Necromancy
  • Conjuration
  • Enchantment
  • Divination
  • Illusion
  • Transmutation


The Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, and Wizard are all Full Casters, meanwhile, the Paladin and the Ranger are half casters. The Warlock is its own special case, not counting as either a Full or Half caster.

C Tier

Baldur's Gate 3 Minthara close-up Steam promo screenshot-1

Starting with the lowest tier, the C Tier, the classes here are not exceptional at magic or anything, and their magic can just be a small boost to their abilities but definitely not their main asset.

  • The Ranger. The Ranger at level 2, will unlock the level 1 Ranger Spellcasting class feature. Rangers will also be able to get level 2 Ranger spellcasting at level 5 and level 3 Ranger spellcasting at level 9. Their magical powers will help them, but they’re not a magic-based class. Some of the spells they can unlock include Ensnaring Strike, Hail of Thornes, Lesser Restoration, Conjure Barrage, and Lightning Arrow.


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  • The Paladin. The Paladin is quite an incredible and powerful class. While they’re only half-casters, they can have access to some incredible spells such as cure wounds, thunderous smite, lesser restoration, and much more. However, spellcasting is not their main asset, but still, they make use of it incredibly well. The Paladin is comparable to a cleric and fighter mix when it comes to their abilities.

B Tier

Wyll in BG3

When it comes to the B tier, the classes here fare better when it comes to their magical abilities, however, other classes still outperform them, especially in spell options.

  • The Druid. While it is a Full Caster Class, the Druid class is somewhat underwhelming when it comes to their available spell list. Their biggest asset is their ability to magically transform into a beast, such as a cat, a wolf, a spider, an Owlbear, and more. They learn Druid Spellcasting from level 1. Some of these spells include Speak With Animals, Lesser Restoration, Moonbeam, Ice Storm, Conjure Elemental, and Sunbeam.
  • The Warlock. This class is able to cast spells, thanks to their patron via their pact magic. The Warlock is pretty limited on what spells they can use, however, one amazing feature is their ability to regain spell slots with just a short rest. They can learn to cast many spells, thanks to their Eldritch Invocations which allow Warlock to cast spells with a Warlock Spell slot. If the player goes for the Pact of the Tome, it can grant access to even more spells to their Warlock.
  • The Bard. The Bard stands out as a jack of all trades in this game. Their spellcasting is mostly left for support, rather than offense. They can act as a minor healer and cast spells to support the rest such as Hold Person, Silence, Otto’s Irresistible Dance, and much more. Using their music, the Bard is a great full caster that will make great use of their magic.

A Tier

The A-tier magic class is an incredible one, which is better than most others in BG3. Its usefulness can not be understated.

  • The Cleric. The Cleric gets their power from their deity and their main use is for healing and support, but they can also do well in offensive magic. They get an amazing spell list to choose from, many of which are great for healing themselves and allies, such as Healing Word or Prayer of Healing. They also have many spells which can summon spiritual weapons or minions to help them in their fight. It’s also important to add that clerics can prepare their spells before a fight, meaning they can change what spells they can use whenever instead of waiting for a level-up.

S Tier

The classes in this tier are the best of the best when it comes to magic in BG3.

  • The Sorcerer. The sorcerer class is extremely talented when it comes to magic, making use of their bloodline. What makes the Sorcerer class stand out from the rest is Metamagic. The sorcerer can pick up to 4 once they reach level 10. These include abilities such as Twinned Spells, which allows a spell to target more than one creature, or Quickened Spell, which allows the sorcerer to use a bonus action instead of an action to cast a spell, or yet Subtle Spell, allowing them to cast a spell even when silenced. There are more Metamagic options, and these make the Sorcerer one of the best magic users in the game easily.
  • The Wizard. Undoubtedly, one of, if not the best magic class in the game is none other than the Wizard. When it comes to what spells they can learn, they are unmatched. There is hardly any limit on what spells they can learn. Simply by obtaining a scroll and having enough gold, a Wizard can learn the spell. They can also switch their spells in combat, which makes them even more versatile and less limited to what they can use.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is now available to play on PC and PlayStation 5.


Baldur’s Gate 3

How Long To Beat
30 Hours



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