Palworld devs forgot to include the most important achievement

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Palworld’s rise has been pretty much the talk of 2024 already, with many people already getting themselves a good feel for what the survival-cross-monster collecting game is all about.

However, as one member of its community has pointed out – for all its rewards, the game doesn’t currently seem to offer any sort of prize – other than the satisfaction of a job well done for getting a full roster of all of its creatures so far.

The oversight was pointed by DscendntDawn over on the Palworld subreddit, with a screenshot showing they had caught all 137 of the game’s Pals that are currently available and writing “Slightly disappointed that there isn’t an achievement for catching all 137 different Pals”.

It does indeed seem something of an odd omission – even if the game is of course still officially in early access. As ChknNuggets69420 suggests: “They probably didn’t finish what they consider gen 1, they might be waiting to get all the early access pals to implement the achievement.”

However, it’s also worth noting that there are a number of trophies already in the Palworld Achievement list that do count the number – with achievements for 10, 20, 50 and 90 Pals in the game.

“Its still early access after all. I doubt the Pal creators even thought that people would stick around long enough to CATCH them all this early in development…” says itstheFREEDOM.

Some players meanwhile note that the game Palworld is often accused of imitating also doesn’t tend to give players a tangible reward for completing their Pokedex, despite that game’s tagline of Catch ‘Em All! But the OP’s response is perfect, saying they want “Just the approval Professor Oak never gave me.”

But that being said, some would still like some form of reward for their dedication. “I think early access players who complete the Paldeck should get something unique, but it should just be some sort of cosmetic. Not an achievement because it would lock out other players in the future,” suggests DoctorNerf.

For now, players will just have to take solace in a job well done, and we’ll have to see what happens if Pocket Pair decide to add more rewards in the future for catching every Pal.

If you’re wanting a leg up just in case a reward does come, best check out our comprehensive guides like our Palworld beginner’s guide – 19 tips and tricks for getting started on Palpagos Island. Otherwise, there’s our How to catch Palworld bosses in 7 steps guide here.