Fan-Requested Palworld Feature Would Help Players Avoid Making a Big Mistake


  • Palworld players suggest adding a padlock icon to prevent accidental selling or condensing of valuable Pals in the game.
  • Community ideas include adding weather events for more dynamic gameplay and a work priority system to manage tasks efficiently.
  • Despite missing features, Palworld remains popular with plans for future updates like PvP, raid bosses, and crossplay options.

A Palworld player suggested that the game should add a padlock icon to prevent Pals from being sold, butchered, or condensed by accident. Palworld quickly became one of the most popular releases of the year, achieving impressive numbers in both sales and concurrent players. But despite all the success in almost a month, Palworld players are starting to notice the absence of some features that could improve the experience even more.

More adventurous Palworld players have suggested adding weather events such as wind, snow, and thunder to make the game more dynamic. To optimize Palworld‘s construction system, some ideas given by the community include moving furniture and improving foundations without having to destroy and rebuild them. The work priority system is a key feature in management games, and it’s something that Palworld players want to see in the game. There is a long list of features that the Palworld community hopes to see Pocket Pair add, and now a player has suggested one that would help manage Pals better.


Clever Palworld Player Figures Out Genius Way to Stop Raids

Palworld Raids can be more than inconvenient, but one player shares a way to stop them that is incredibly clever and simple.

Reddit user garbageisreddit119 suggested that Palworld should add a padlock icon to the Pals summary screen. This way, the OP explains that Palworld players can lock their Pals, preventing them from being condensed, butchered, or sold accidentally. This feature would be particularly important, as there are extremely valuable creatures, such as Palworld‘s rarest Pals, and even monsters with sentimental value for players. Condensing a Pal is a no-return process, just like butchering or selling them, so an incorrect click could result in a terrible mistake.

Palworld Players Call for Feature to Lock Pals

The other Redditors approved of the OP’s idea, some having had sad experiences in practice. One player said they condensed a four-star Anubis with full souls by mistake. Another commenter unintentionally sold a Jormuntide with passives Legend, Sea Emperor, Musclehead, and Ferocious. In a third comment, a Redditor recalled the Pokemon storage system and said they wished Palworld would allow players to select the boxes where new catches go. Finally, a player suggested adding a way for players to organize their Pals by tags, something that, for example, already exists in Pokemon GO.

Palworld is missing several gameplay features, but the future of the open-world survival game is promising. Palworld will add more content in the coming months, such as PvP, Raid bosses, and crossplay. The padlock to prevent accidents with Pals isn’t among the mentioned features. But with Pocket Pair promising to support the game through updates, Palworld players are looking forward to improvements to make the game smoother.



January 19, 2024

Pocket Pair, Inc.

Pocket Pair, Inc.