Hack-and-slash RPG Undecember to add new solo raid content and more for season 3

  • New solo raids are being added
  • Updates to the transfer system
  • And an updated costume system too!

Hack ‘n slash RPG Undecember is getting further updates for season 3 and will be adding a whole host of new content including the ability to compete in single-player dungeon raids. Players will benefit from an updated character transfer and costume system, as well as the School Day Ddakji Event.

Released in 2022, Undecember is a hack ‘n slash RPG that eschews classes in favour of a skill-based system. Playing like something akin to Diablo, it offers greater freedom in picking what abilities you use no matter your approach to the game.

Play with friends! Or alone, you lonely person, you

As we noted above, season 3 will also be adding solo raids in a significant new content update. Previously Descent Raids were only available for groups of eight players, but new Solo Descent Raids will allow a single player to take on the bosses Ochogneel, Carovan, and Magroth. Players will get rewards according to their ranking in these battles, the same as with regular multiplayer raids.

There are also additional updates to the Character Transfer System, which enables players to switch their character’s modes and experiment with different builds and optimisations going into the latter half of season 3. Naturally, there are also updates to the character costume system with new dyes for armour and clothing, new outfits and an updated dyeing system.

Finally, there’s the latest School Day Ddakji Event, where players can collect Ddakji Coins in order to accrue exclusive rewards. This includes difficult-to-obtain items like the Charm Legendary Reversion Essence, Rune Engraving Stone, and Gear Guaranteed Transfer Stone.

If you’re interested in checking out other RPGs like Undecember we’ve got a whole host of ways for you to discover your next game. Why not check out our list of the top 10 best Android ARPGs? Or JRPGs for phones and tablets?