Harness the innate might of a curved piece of wood in Boomerang RPG, Watch Out Dude

Sometimes, to produce a beloved mobile game you don’t need an ultimate weapon, you don’t need an in-depth earth-shattering story, and you don’t need an over-the-top boss battle. Sometimes, you just need a Dude, and Super Planet is bringing back their beloved character in Boomerang RPG: Watch Out, Dude.

Back in the forgone year of 2018, Super Planet released Missile Dude RPG, an idle game about a non-descript gentleman who picked up a rocket launcher, cracked wise, and blew a host of demons into chunks. It was a big hit, so now he is back, and he’s traded his missiles for Boomerangs, as you would.

The Dude has lost none of his style and humour, with dynamic screen transitions and flashy damage indicators keeping your attention glued to your phone, with the occasional one-liner to keep you on your toes. Keep up the damage, and you will unlock a boomerang boogie as magic effects unleash colourful mayhem.


Leaving behind his explosive armaments, the Dude must follow Master Nyan’s teachings to collect and enhance multiple boomerangs to beat back the demonic hoard. You will have four of these curvy boys at your disposal; Rotating, Elastic, Penetrating, and Cone, and it will be interesting to see just how that particular one flies.

As you rain down some righteous ranged bonkings on the evil demons, you will find yourself learning more about each type. Vanquish each foe enough, and you will complete the Demon Collection, a treasure trove of lore and information. Not only will you learn each of their stories, but you’ll also get tips on how to defeat them faster.

If you are interested in battling with the Dude, then it is recommended that you preorder Boomerang RPG from the App Store or Google Play. 200k registrations will unlock one million gold for all, 300k with a knock-out of 5,000 Rubies, and 500k boomerang aficionados will result in a further 10,000 Rubies, as well as the Summer Hat Costume.