How to Become a Lawyer in BitLife

BitLife is a life simulation game that offers its players a chance to relive, remake, and restart their lives in the virtual world. Like the real world, this game also offers a wide range of professions that players can work toward by attending school, college, and university.

To be a lawyer, though, (one of the most popular professions in the game), players must abide by certain criteria to achieve this profession. The following guide discusses each stage of becoming a lawyer in BitLife in detail.


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How to Become a Lawyer in Bitlife

how to become a lawyer in bitlife

Here is how players can increase their likelihood of becoming a lawyer in BitLife.

Maintain a High Intellect

Like in the real world, players must study comprehensively to become a lawyer in BitLife from an early age. High intelligence increases a player’s chances of getting into Law School. Furthermore, it almost always guarantees a scholarship.

Apart from having high intelligence stats, players must also maintain a Smarts score of 70% or above. This can be done by watching documentaries, reading books, and performing exceptionally well in school.

Furthermore, after players start school, they must tap the Study Harder option consistently throughout their character’s life. This can be done via the following method:

  • Visit the School’s page.
  • Locate the Primary/Secondary option.
  • Tap on the Study Harder option.

After a player’s character reaches the age of 12, they must visit the library often from that point onwards. Players can visit the Library by following the steps below:

  • Visit the Activities Section.
  • Head over to the Mind and Body section from there.
  • Locate Library from the list, and click on it.

University Enrollment

Once players complete secondary school, they can choose to attend university. However, a noteworthy point for players here is to keep their major as Political Science, Criminal Justice, or any other subject that is relevant to their Law Degree. However, Criminal Justice is the most preferred since it is directly linked to a Law Degree.


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Players can also choose their university, naturally. If they get into Varsity, the trajectory is only upwards and smooth from there. However, if that’s not the case, then players will have to start from Community Colleges.

University Graduation

Once players have completed university, it will be time to enter Law School. In BitLife, the Law School is considered to be one of the toughest schools to get into. Hence, players need to maintain a consistent high intellect by reading books, going to the library frequently, and studying diligently to get selected.

Becoming a Lawyer

bitlife make enemy

Now that players have completed their legal studies, it’s time to set foot in the practical world of BitLife. To start working as a lawyer, players must select the Occupations option. From there, you can browse the available job titles through the Jobs section.

Since the player won’t directly become a lawyer, they first start as a Law Clerk, a Junior Associate, or a Partner. Once players choose one of these roles, they can start working their way up to the top.



September 30, 2018

Groom Lake Development, LLC
