Letter to the editor: EV dreaming

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Justin Trudeau’s EV dreams are not based on reality. I’d guess half the people living in cities like Vancouver will not have access to home charging, either because they live in apartments, condominiums, only have street parking or can’t have a charging station installed at their homes. I’d also guess that EVs may eventually have the same parkade parking restrictions as propane vehicles due to the battery fire risk, with even more people forced to park their EVs on the streets. So they will be dependent on public charging stations.

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There’s a reason there are pictures of long lineups at EV charging stations. It’s simply that the throughput is too slow to charge those EVs. The last time I refuelled my gas vehicle, I did have to stand in the cold for five minutes doing so, while a BMW EV owner was sitting in his warm car, plugged in at the charging bay. I have no idea how long he was there before I arrived, but it’s possible he was still there 30 minutes after I’d left, finished my shopping and arrived at home.



Re: RCMP relaxes recreational cannabis use policy for officers, online, Jan. 20

Just when I felt my respect for what was once a fine police force couldn’t be lower, the Mounties outdid themselves with the new rules for cannabis for some officers. They must now meet a “fit for duty” standard. What does that even mean? Do you now feel better protected?

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Justin Trudeau is much more similar to Donald Trump than Pierre Poilievre is. Trudeau acts like he is above the law and uses his power to tamp down investigations into his many scandals. He abuses his privilege. He also insults those who don’t agree with his way.

The lower Trudeau is in the polls, the more we hear about Trump and MAGA. Trudeau says he has our backs, but is afraid to make a serious, logical decision. He says things that make you shake your head in wonderment. I say that we do not trust a word he says.



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