YOU SAID IT: Shameful actions by officer

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Re: RCMP ‘looking into’ arrest of Rebel News’ Menzies by Freeland’s security detail, online, Jan. 9

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Chalk up yet another scandal against the RCMP and the Trudeau government. Having served almost 40 years in the RCMP, it was extremely embarrassing watching the video of this incident.

As a reporter, Mr. Menzies was simply doing his job of having Finance Minster Freeland answer legitimate questions. The RCMP officer proceeded to impede, blocking Menzies and forcibly shoving him up against the wall. Mr. Menzies did not resist being manhandled or assault this officer. At no time did Minister Freeland appear to be at any risk, thereby negating the actions by this officer.

This incident has put Canada on the world stage again with terms like it being a dictatorship and Banana Republic common themes!

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Re: Cops ripped for arresting reporter trying to ask Chrystia Freeland questions, online, Jan. 9

Primadonna police, that is what the RCMP security detail for the PM and cabinet ministers have become. Reviewing the video of Rebel News reporter David Menzies being told he was under arrest was an absolute disgrace and an embarrassment to the good work carried out by law enforcement officers throughout this nation.

Assaulted police? Are you kidding me? Now just how was this big, brave federale assaulted by the Menzies? Back when I was a street cop for many years, you absorbed the hits while arresting the real bad guys, but that was part of the job. Unless the cop was visibly injured and unable to perform his or her duties, there was no assault. Actually, in fact, if there was anything close to assault, it was the RCMP officer who basically manhandled Menzies.

Personally, this Mountie needs to revisit the force’s academy back in Regina, he needs some retraining.



This may not be the first kakistocracy Canada has had to endure, but it may certainly be the worst. I am 76 years old and I cannot remember a government so lacking in ability, wisdom and good, old-fashioned ethics. To list its other shortcomings would fill up the rest of this page.


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