Nikki Haley Controlling Weather in Iowa

Trump ally and known conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer was widely panned this week after she accused Nikki Haley and her “friends in the defense industry” of using “weather manipulation” to create extreme cold in Iowa in order to steal Monday’s caucus from former President Donald Trump.

While Loomer is very much a fringe figure in American politics, she is a popular force among the MAGA base and has the ear of Trump – who regularly shares her screeds on his social media platform. Trump met with Loomer at his Bedminster country club over the summer and praised the work she does on his behalf and reportedly even tried to hire her earlier in the year. Loomer failed twice, even with Trump’s endorsement, as a candidate for Congress in Trump’s Palm Beach district and then a north central Florida district, and is close friends with MAGA influencers like Roger Stone.

In April, after an angry backlash to reports Loomer may join his campaign in an official capacity “a high-ranking campaign official said Ms. Loomer was no longer going to be hired,” reported the New York Times. Maggie Haberman added, “Before the intense blowback, Trump had been telling aides to give Loomer a job, obsessed with her attacks on [Florida Gov. Ron] DeSantis. But the intense reaction to it being reported changed things.”

“Is the Deep State activating HAARP to disrupt the Iowa Caucus?” wrote Loomer on Thursday night, adding:

We all know @NikkiHaley has a lot of friends in the defense industry and Military industrial complex. She’s losing in Iowa, and now Iowa is set to get hit with a ONCE IN A DECADE blizzard as Donald Trump is set to dominate the Iowa Caucus.

Is the Deep State using HAARP to rig the Iowa Caucus?

Looks like weather manipulation to me.

Take a look at this weather radar below and how the incoming snow storm accelerated out of nowhere.

While it is true that Iowa is bracing for record cold on Monday as an arctic blast makes its way down from Canada, there obviously is no evidence the phenomenon is man-made or controlled by Haley.

Loomer, who Donald Trump Jr. recently argued should be Trump’s press secretary should he be reelected, was quickly mocked online for her outlandish take.

“By the grace of God, Laura Loomer has not been laughed entirely out of politics and is instead treated as a serious person in a lot of mainstream pro-Trump media. Anyway, here she is suggesting the military is manipulating the weather so… Nikki Haley can win Iowa caucuses,” replied disinformation researcher Jared Holt.

Ex-Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) added, “I would encourage you to see the comments and realize these people vote. So no matter how looney they are, we have to vote too. I can’t even believe how much the victim whiney insane weak brain worms have infected people.”

Below are some additional reactions:


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