The Lost Crown – New Gameplay Showcases Opening Level and Boss Fight

Ubisoft’s Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown is one of the bigger releases this month and the first follow-up in the series since 2010’s Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands. Publications like Game Informer went hands-on with the title before launch, revealing nearly 20 minutes of action-packed gameplay. Check it out below.

The first level is showcased, so spoilers for those who want to go in blind. It sees Sargon and the other Immortals, like Menolias and Orod, sprinting across a battlefield, tackling soldiers of the Kushan Empire. Players can break into a run after sliding and parry attacks, which results in a stylish kill through a Vengeful Counter. You can also jump-kick enemies, knocking them into walls.

There’s also a boss fight against General Uvishka, and Sargon receives his first ability – Rush of the Simurgh – about two hours into the game. It allows for dashing through mid-air, though the animation is a nice callback to the Prince’s wall-running.

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown launches on January 18th for PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S and Nintendo Switch, with a free demo live on January 11th. It went gold last month and is estimated to last about 25 hours. Head here for more details on the Metroidvania title.