YOU SAID IT: Feed folks, not F-35s

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Re: Delivery of Canada’s F-35 fighter jets could be delayed — extra costs possible, online, Dec. 27

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Well, so far Canada will spend between $19 billion and $25 billion on American-made F-35 fighter aircraft, and we all know that the price will rise considerably as well as the timeline for acquiring such machines.

What a complete waste of money and a gift to the American military industrial complex. Future wars will be fought by knocking out power grids and software systems. Besides, billions of these dollars could be diverted to improving the economy and helping folks who can barely make ends meet.

Presently, our food banks are at capacity and cannot keep up with the demand. Just the cost of one F-35 would feed, house and put clothes on a lot of folks.

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In a recent interview, JT warned Canadians about Pierre Poilievre and the Big Bad Conservatives wanting to take us back a couple of generations to the ’50s.

Going back to the ’50s would be a great improvement for most of the working class. Industrialization was rampant with no shortage of work, and people could afford a home and put food on the table.

Yes, women were not treated as equals in many cases (no era is perfect), but both parents were not forced to work, just to pay the bills, so staying at home to raise a family was, at the very least, an option.

Ask any 30-year-old living in their parents’ basement, or couple looking for an affordable apartment so they can start a family, which era they might find living in easier.

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Let’s forget about EVs, wars, protests and carbon tax for a minute.

One of my favourite recipes is “muffin tin mashed potatoes” from the 1992 Milk calendar. It is only one Milk calendar among many in a cupboard above the fridge. (OK, fine.)

The other day, I went to the mailbox and, surprise, surprise, I opened an envelope containing the 2024 Milk calendar.

Hands up! Who plans on the making the triple cheese omelette wrap, grilled halloumi & veggie with honey sriracha sauce or the creamy stuffed chicken marsala with a cup of whipping cream? (No hands.)

Anyway, I phoned my sister to let her know I received her 2024 Milk calendar gift, to which she said, “I know what you’re going to say,” to which I said, “No, you don’t,” and wouldn’t dare put in writing what I said about the 2024 Milk calendar.

To conclude, the 2024 Milk calendar didn’t make it to the kitchen cupboard. It’s in the recycle bin.


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