Cheers and Jeers: Tuesday

The Rest of the Week Ahead

Tuesday The House and Senate return to tackle a full slate of pressing issues, including the economy, immigration, Ukraine, Israel, China, and oh who am I kidding they’re still on vacation for another week.

In an astonishing development that shocks the nation, Republicans lose a court case and then decide not to appeal it all the way to the Supreme Court.

Wednesday  The Bureau of Labor Statistics releases its latest “Labor Turnover Survey.” Conclusion: most of the labor force would rather turn over and sleep for another hour.

Three days into 2024, Baby New Year checks into rehab.


Thursday  Covid-19 and all its variants, sub-variants, and sub-sub-variants suddenly disappear and things get back to normal. Moments later, my alarm clock goes off.

Eleven days before the Iowa caucuses, MAGA cultists Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley participate in separate CNN town halls in Iowa. By evening’s end, empty liquor bottles litter the floor backstage around the fact checkers’ table after the candidates blame the Civil War on poor blacksmith training programs, migrant caravans from “the South American country of Hamas,” inflation, and Joe Biden’s failure to make Iowa corn the national vegetable.

All week: Team Biden keeps getting stuff done.

Friday  Unemployment numbers for December are released. Since a Democrat is in the White House, if the numbers are bad they’ll be front-page news in all the papers and the top story on the evening newscasts, and if they’re good they’ll be buried in all the papers and mumbled about for five seconds during a commercial break on the evening newscasts.

Today is National Bird Day. Please flip it responsibly.

Saturday Americans mark their new official January 6 federal holiday: Republican Psychopathic Traitor Awareness Day.

Plus lots of the usual blah blah blah ’cause we never run out of that.

And now, our feature presentation…

Cheers and Jeers for Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Note: [Baby New Year 2024 uses special pulley-and-chain harness to load 1,800-pound shell into howitzer. Aims at Planet Earth.]  Well, he caught on fast.

3 days!!!

By the Numbers:

Days ’til Martin Luther King Jr. Day: 13

Days ’til Ice Fest in Breezy Point, Minnesota: 3

Percent of Americans polled by Gallup who believe violent crime increased in 2023: 77%

Percent chance that violent crime actually dropped by record numbers in 2023, according to analysis by AH Datalytics: 100%

Number of fishermen rescued from a chunk of ice that broke off and started floating away up yonder in northern Minnesota as the fish laughed their asses off: 122

The last year that U.S. beer shipments dropped below 200 million barrels, as it did in 2023: 1999

Date the copyright on Disney’s Steamboat Willie version of Mickey Mouse expired: 1/1/24

Puppy Pic of the Day: Reunited…

CHEERS to January. Anyone who enjoys winter sports is in heaven this month. And hot clam chowder (or your favorite soup, since it’s Soup Month) on a frigid snowy day is unbeatable. But watch out, because that dastardly Covid-19—variants and all—is still lurking in the bushes, and the unvaccinated morons are still all-too-happy to spread it around.

January is named after the god Janus who, like Joe Manchin, is a two-faced oddity.

Politically, Democrats maintain their grip on the Senate, the House is a MAGA monkey cage, and Joe Biden’s presidency turns three on the 20th. Meanwhile, the drip-drip-drip of Trump trial-related advances and setbacks continues, so strap yourself in for more bumpy road ahead. 

Plus: insulin only costs 35 bucks a month for seniors now. It’s Clean Your Computer Month. Be Kind to Food Servers Month. FDR’s birthday. Australia Day. National Pie Day. California Dried Plum Digestive Health Month. Next Tuesday is Static Electricity Day, aka The Day the Cat Disappears Into the Closet and Doesn’t Come Out Until the Day After Static Electricity Day. 

MLK Jr. Day is the 15th, ten days later we get a “Full Wolf Moon,” and here’s an interesting bit of trivia: tomorrow is National Trivia Day. Too much fun! Don’t let it end!

JEERS to January. It’s dark all the time, MAGA primary season is ramping up, and I can’t feel my toes. Anyone know how to safely induce a coma ‘til spring? (Oh, right…silly me. Just turn on the Hallmark Channel.) Ugh…make it end.

JEERS to sudden departures. Sitting down? I have some news. It looks like we won’t have that old battle axe to kick around anymore. She’s cutting and running because after 52 years on the throne, Queen Margrethe of Denmark is pursuing her dream as a Broadway dancer in the revival of Oh! Calcutta!

The queen made her announcement in her annual New Year’s Eve address tonight, assuring the Danish people that it was the right decision.

I think this is her.

Queen Margrethe was the longest-serving monarch in Europe following the death of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II last year, having taken the throne in 1972. According to the Danish royal family’s website, the country passed a change to the succession law in 1953 that allowed women to rule, but only secondarily.

Due to Europe‘s weirdly-intertwined blood lines among the monarchies, Queen Margrethe will be succeeded by Prince Harry, whose first official act will be conquering Britain via a massive armada of longships. Run, Charles, run! (And don’t forget to pack all the scepters.)



CHEERS to routing the redcoats. 247 years ago today, in 1777 during our War of Independence, George Washington’s army drove back a British attack at the Battle of Assunpink Creek and Municipal Airport near Trenton, New Jersey. This was the follow-up to Washington‘s famous crossing of the Delaware, where he defeated the Hessians by using the aroma of fresh pan-fried wienerschnitzel to lure them into a giant pit:

General William Howe, the British Commander-in-Chief of North America was furious with the defeat at Trenton. He canceled Lieutenant General Charles Cornwallis’ scheduled leave to Britain for the winter and ordered him to Princeton immediately. […]

Only known photo from the 1777 Battle of Assunpink Creek.

Washington’s men held back three assaults from the British, felling hundreds of British soldiers in the process, causing Cornwallis to hold a council to decide what to do. …

Washington took advantage of the break. … When Cornwallis arose in the morning, to his horror, Washington’s entire army was gone.

You might say Cornwallis got his…Assunpink handed to him. Ha Ha Ha!!!  (Aren’t you glad C&J is around for a whole ‘nother year of this? Me, too.)

JEERS to our microscopic overlords. As we ring in a new year, Covid-19 continues baffling and befuddling us. As the CDC, WHO, and other health organizations and governments continue monitoring the situation, Cheers and Jeers will continue providing timely updates so you can stay armed with the cutting-edge knowledge you need to stay healthy and alive. Here’s what we know as of today, Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024: the cult of the unvaccinated can go f*ck themselves. Join us for our next update tomorrow morning, which will probably look a lot like today’s.

Ten years ago in C&J: January 2, 2014

JEERS to dim bulbs.  Well, folks, it’s the end of a very long era.  It’s now illegal to produce incandescent light bulbs in the United States.  The 40-watt and 60-watt bulbs are the last to go, and once stores sell the last of ’em, they’re gone for good.  Naturally, the teabaggers are pointing their bony fingers at President Obama, whom they’ll claim is trying to (say it with me) “shove his radical tree-hugging agenda down our throats!”  Just one little problem

Beginning Jan. 1, the production of 40- and 60-watt incandescent light bulbs is banned as part of efficiency standards signed into law by President George W. Bush in 2007.

When presented with this, they’ll respond in unison: “Obama is trying to shove his radical tree-hugging agenda down our throats!”  Same idiots, different year.

And just one more…

CHEERS to ending every week on a high note.  Every Friday night for 16 years our C&J poll has asked, “Who won the week?”  We do our best to round up nine or ten solid candidates who make us feel a little mushy-gushy and remind us that all is not lost. Thanks to your smarts and good sense, the class of the fourth quarter of 2023 was a good-lookin’ bunch.  As we leave the year behind, let’s take a peek back at the do-gooders who marched us to the end of the year, led several times by President Joe Biden. The envelopes, please…

Oct. 6  Judge Arthur Engoron, for slapping Donald Trump with a gag order after the criminal defendant attacked the judge’s clerk

Oct. 13  President Biden: great jobs report; inflation report offers optimism; announces plan to eliminate junk fees; multitasks like a man half his age

Oct. 20  President Biden: follows up visit to war zone in Israel with strong Oval Office speech supporting Israel, the Palestinian people, and Ukraine; massive Q3 fundraising haul buries all MAGA candidates combined

Oct. 27  The vise of justice, as Fulton County, Georgia DA Fani Willis secures a guilty plea and more spilled beans from two more Trump lawyers: Jenna Ellis and Kenneth Chesebro

Nov. 3  The UAW, for running rings around the Big 3 car companies during the strike to secure a historic new compensation package for auto workers

Nov. 10  All of the above, related to victories in the 2023 elections

A Sears, Roebuck & Co. credit card, circa 1960s...
Each winner gets to charge $50 on the Stefanelli family’s Sears card from any of the 48 contiguous states.

Nov. 17  President Biden: inflation down; OKs 5 more judicial nominees inc. 1st Muslim-American on a circuit court; progress with China during Xi meeting; condemns Trump’s Veterans Day Nazi rhetoric

Nov. 24  President Biden: quiet diplomacy gets hostages released; oversees gas and food price plunge for Thanksgiving travelers and their vittles; braves icy Atlantic to take annual polar bear plunge with family

Dec. 1  Governor Gavin Newsom (D-CA), for crushing Ron DeSantis (MAGA-FL) without mercy during the prime time debate on Fox News

Dec. 8  Judge Tanya Chutkan, for ruling emphatically that Trump does not have “absolute immunity” from prosecution and the election subversion case against him will proceed

Dec. 15  The federal jury that decided Rudy Giuliani must pay $148 million to former Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss for defamation

Dec. 22  The plaintiffs who convinced the Colorado Supreme Court that Trump can’t be on the primary ballot there because he violated the 14th Amendment against insurrection and aid/comfort to the enemy

Dec. 29  Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows, for ruling that Trump can’t be on the state’s 2024 primary ballot due to his involvement in the Jan. 6 insurrection

Stay tuned as the 2024 winner’s circle fills up with heroes and achievers who go above and beyond to make this magma-filled everlasting galactic gobstopper a more pleasant place on which to hurtle through space. Make sure you slather on plenty of aloe gel—you know how easily you chap at 67,000 miles per hour.

Have a tolerable Tuesday. Floor’s open…What are you cheering and jeering about today?

Today’s Shameless C&J Testimonial

Bill in Portland Maine is lying for clicks again.

—Bill Melugin