Letters to the Editor, Dec. 23, 2023

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I love your daily Sun poll and respond to it every day. Our politicians should be following it closely and taking the results under advisement but they don’t. When we see the renaming of Yonge-Dundas Square to Sankofa with a 99% NO and others like the Bloor Street bike lanes the same, our blind politicians just move ahead anyway, they don’t care about the hardworking taxpayer. Let’s pray that we one day end up with a mayor who won’t cave in to every minority request from the woke. Come on, Toronto, let’s get the majority to speak up.

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John Sweetman

(This council has made up its mind – even if it is the wrong decision. More Torontonians need to call their councillor and mayor to voice their opposition)


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Regarding the renaming of Yonge-Dundas Square, it has been a custom to rename a park after someone who was murdered nearby so I think it should be called Emanuel Jaques Square in memory of the shoeshine boy whom your newspaper has written about extensively since 1977.

Tracy Malloy

(That would be a beautiful tribute. Unfortunately the decision makers over at city hall would never even consider that)


I see in the daily Sun online poll that 99% or respondents are against the renaming of Yonge/Dundas Square to Sankofa Square. I had heard earlier that a renaming should have been in the memory of the late, great Gordon Lightfoot, an iconic Canadian musician who played at Massey Hall so many times! I think that would resonate with more Torontonians than the headscratching decision to rename it Sankofa Square.

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Ron Lindemann

(Another great suggestion the geniuses in our municipal government didn’t consider)


When will our governments actually help seniors. Our CPP and old age are taxed, they want us to stay in our homes longer but continue to apply property tax, eliminate both income tax and property tax not defer it. Help out with extreme cost of electricity and heating our homes. Our partners stayed home to raise our families. leaving high-paying careers — now they are punished with no pension. We just want to be able to enjoy the retirement we worked and did without for.

Denis Gallant
Bonnyville, Alta.

(Unfortunately, only a change in the federal government will make a real difference)

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