LEGO Fortnite player ambushed by an army of Rollers

In LEGO Fortnite, Rollers are the scourge of the Grasslands. They’ll surprise you by jumping from the earth and will keep rolling after you. Thankfully, they tend to pop up one at a time. One unfortunate player, however, stumbled across an army of them.

An army of Rollers in LEGO Fortnite

LEGO Fortnite isn’t particularly dangerous or difficult, at least not unless you actively seek out the Brutes or are unprepared in a Lava Cave. And although the Rollers are a rather tricky enemy, they’re very manageable on their own.

One unfortunate LEGO Fortnite player, GunshyEarth, was terribly surprised upon finding what appeared to be a waiting ambush of seven Rollers that sprung to life upon their presence. All hiding out in an encampment, it was only when they entered did they realize it was too late.

Rocks were lobbed toward their companion as Rollers charged forth from the gate. Pure chaos.

Naturally, this sort of spawning mechanic is unheard of in LEGO Fortnite, and the Rollers aren’t an organized force that can spring such insane ambushes. So, what’s going on here?

Related: Is there a Steering Wheel in LEGO Fortnite?

Similar occurrences

In response to GunshyEarth’s video, other players report that they saw similar things happen in their worlds. Although their experiences weren’t just with Rollers, but all manner of other mobs, such as chickens and sheep.

It seems there is some sort of spawning bug or glitch in LEGO Fortnite that results in a huge blob of the same mob being spawned in one location. This can’t be an intentional feature of the game, and so as more reports of this phenomenon rise, I’m sure Epic will get to fixing the spawn mechanic.

Until then, enjoy your Roller armies and chicken armadas.

Speaking of Rollers, why don’t you get familiar with taking them down?