The Witcher Geralt VA Wants To Voice The Character ‘Forever’

For fans of CD Projekt Red’s The Witcher franchise, Doug Cockle’s voice is synonymous with the gruff charm of Geralt of Rivia. I am not much of a fan, but his voice is among the toughest I’ve heard. It seems Cockle himself feels the same way, expressing a sincere desire to keep voicing the White Wolf “until I can no longer voice anymore.”

In a recent interview with IGN, Cockle’s passion for the character was palpable. He said that the character has become such a part of him, and he loves to take the role whenever CD Projekt Red asks for him. This unwavering bond isn’t shaken by the news that the upcoming Polaris, the next mainline Witcher game, will shift focus away from Geralt. While acknowledging this, Cockle remains optimistic about future opportunities, like the remakes.

The Witcher Remake, a full reimagining of the first game, presents a particularly exciting prospect. The games are pretty old at this point, and Unreal Engine 5 has a reputation for being visually masterful. It would bring in a lot of money for the company, and having the genuine Geralt voice would improve that.

“I’m super excited about [The Witcher Remake], because if you think about it, when Witcher 1 was made, I was recording the voice in 2005. I think the game itself came out in 2007. That was a long time ago. That was nearly 20 years ago.”

Doug Cockle

We’re unsure whether there will be a Witcher 4, but we are confident that remakes are coming. In my opinion, it’s always best to bring back the original voices. I still wish David Hayter had been Big Boss in MGSV, so that kind of thing really matters to fans. Even if I’m not a fan of The Witcher series, I’m glad the main voice actor has such a passion for it all.