How to make Slurp Juice in LEGO Fortnite

I was highly amused and surprised to find Slurp Juice in LEGO Fortnite. My immediate next thought was “how do I make some?”

Making Slurp Juice in LEGO Fortnite

Slurp Juice is a classic regeneration drink that used to be found in Fortnite Battle Royale. It has since been removed, but you can relive the glory days through LEGO Fortnite.

Slurp Juice is instantly available to craft using the Juicer once built, but it can also be found in chests and Llamas and in other such places. Thankfully, they’re rather cheap to make, making them a solid and available means of upping your combat game.

Screenshot: PC Invasion

One Slurp Juice requires only 2 Raspberries and 2 Slurp Mushrooms. Once consumed, a Slurp Juice fills 5 hunger bars and increases health regeneration for 5 minutes. It’ll heal one point of health every ten seconds, which isn’t the best, but does prolong your survival in fierce combat encounters.

Collecting resources for the Slurp Juice

Raspberries are dotted all over the place in the Grasslands – you’ve probably already got an abundance in a chest somewhere. If not, you won’t have to fret, just run around for a few minutes and I’m sure you’ll have a stack in no time. It’s not worth making a Raspberry farm unless your permanent residence is now in the mountains or the desert.

Slurp Mushrooms can be found semi-frequently in any cave throughout the three biomes. They’ll appear as little mushrooms that you’ll have to break. Each one drops one Slurp Mushroom, so you may have to destroy a whole bunch if you want to stock up on Slurp Juice. I’d recommend making it an aim to harvest some whenever you go caving so save you having to venture out exclusively for them.

Related: How does Hunger work in LEGO Fortnite Explained

Making a Juicer in LEGO Fortnite

Lego Fortnite Juicer
Screenshot: PC Invasion

To make the Juicer in LEGO Fortnite to craft some Slurp Juice, you’ll need the following:

  • 8 Planks
  • 8 Marble Slabs
  • 5 Knotroot Rods

This is some pretty early-game stuff, so you shouldn’t be too far off getting the ingrediants.

The Marble Slabs can be made using the Stone Breaker, and the Knotroot Rods are fashioned in the Lumber Mill after sourcing Knotroot in the caves.

Once you’ve got the Juicer, place it anywhere that’s sheltered from the rain.

Now that you’re ready and equipped with some Slurp Juice, you should be ready to take on those Brutes.