Strange The Last of Us 2 Bug Makes It Look Like Players Already Have The PS5 Remaster


  • The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered is set to release in January 2024, but a glitch made it appear as if some players already had the game.
  • The remaster will offer tech improvements, new modes, and additional content, such as a 60fps Performance Mode and new game modes like No Return and Lost Levels.
  • While some speculate that the glitch was a marketing tactic by Sony, fans will still have to decide if the remaster justifies its price for all the new features and content.

The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered is scheduled to release in January 2024, but one player found an apparent glitch that made it look like they already had the game. While it doesn’t break anything in the game or one’s PlayStation (unlike The Last of Us‘s issue-riddled PC port), it is still an amusing bug to share.

The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered is the PlayStation 5 remake of Naughty Dog and Sony the highly acclaimed (but also controversial) sequel to the hit action-adventure “zombie” game that released back in 2020. According to Sony, the remaster is set to not only have tech improvements that are made possible by the PlayStation 5’s advanced hardware, but also new modes and content that will make the game worth revisiting for loyal fans.


The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered: All New Features

For fans looking to know what’s new in the Last of Us Part 2 Remastered, here’s a list of all the new features.

Redditor Zaglo21 posted a screenshot of his The Last of Us Part 2 trophy section on their PlayStation, and people will immediately notice that the game is displayed as The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered which doesn’t launch for at least another month. While it can easily be chalked up to a glitch in the system, another player had a different theory. That player commented that it happened to them as well, but they also got a link to preorder the remaster, leading many to conclude that it was a sly marketing tactic by Sony to push fans to buying or upgrading to the new game.

The updated game will likely introduce a 60fps Performance Mode that’s now standard in all PlayStation 5 titles, but The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered is also set to bring new non-story game modes. The roguelike No Return mode gives players a new way to play the game, with different playable characters, waves of enemies in new maps, and a variety of skill trees that elevate the experience beyond just shooting hordes of the infected.

Another game mode that The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered will have is Lost Levels, which will include story content that was cut from the initial launch. This is akin to a deluxe edition of a music album that includes extra tracks, and while it may not change the sentiments of players who didn’t like how the game’s story played out, fans will likely enjoy playing and going through new content. After all, they will be shelling out money for all this new stuff, and even if it’s only $10 for people who already have the original PlayStation 4 release, the remaster will still need to justify its price for many.

last of us 2 box art

The Last of Us Part 2

The Last of Us Part II is the follow-up to the original game in the series. This time around, players control both Ellie and Abby. The game won many awards, including smashing the record for the most Game of the Year awards.

The Last of Us

June 19, 2020


M for Mature: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Nudity, Sexual Content, Strong Language, Use of Drugs
