How to craft a Medium Chest in LEGO Fortnite

LEGO Fortnite has an abundance of items, which is a good thing, until you’ve got to store them all. With low stack sizes and so many needed resources, you’ll find that the simple Small Chest simply doesn’t cut it.

Although even bigger chests will soon be desired, the Medium Chest will do just fine, and it’s cheap once you’ve managed to unlock it.

Unlocking the Medium Chest in LEGO Fortnite

If you’re looking to build a better chest, the Medium Chest, in LEGO Fortnite, then you’ll need to unlock the recipe for it first. To do so, you’ll have to advance rather far into the game.

Upgrade your Crafting Bench to access uncommon tools to gather uncommon materials. Build the uncommon Forest Axe, as this will allow you to harvest Knotroot in the caves. When in there, make sure to gather at least a full stack of 30, as you’ll be needing it a lot in the short term.

With this Knotroot, make some Knotroot Rods so you can build the uncommon Pickaxe. This Pickaxe will allow you to harvest the great Marble deposits in the caves. They stick out as large white stone deposits in the walls. When collecting Marble, make sure to grab two stacks of 30, as that’ll cover the cost of the new station needed and will also cover the costs for more than one Medium Chest.

This Marble will unlock a lot of recipes, namely the Stone Breaker station. You’ll need to harvest a lot of Knotroot and Marble to build the Stone Breaker station, and once it’s placed, you can process Marble Slabs.

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Once at least one Marble Slab has been processed, you will unlock a couple recipes, one of which being the Medium Chest. So make some more Marble Slabs whilst you’re at it.

Related: How to make a car in LEGO Fortnite

Building the Medium Chest in LEGO Fortnite

In LEGO Fortnite, to build the Medium Chest, you need 8 Knotroot and 6 Marble Slabs, which will be in good enough supply considering you need both of items to accomplish unlocking the recipe. As storage is a consistent problem in LEGO Fortnite, you’ll want to have enough resources to build a few Medium Chests, so make sure to stock up when collecting resources.

Now your storage problems will be curbed for a small while, you can carry on adventuring!

Other LEGO Fortnite guides.