DAVIGO out now on Steam / Quest news – DAVIGO: VR vs. PC

Ever wanted to play god? DAVIGO is an asymmetric – PC vs. VR battle game which allows you to do just that.

If you own a headset and your friends don’t, a great way to play together has just released in the form of DAVIGO. In VR mode you become the GIANT, and on PC you become a small KNIGHT – and then you fight your friends in local or online matches. Best of all KNIGHTS play for free with DAVIGO KNIGHT’S PASS.

As the giant you’ll be ragdolling your friends, and flicking boulders at them, as they run around and get you caught up in a twist and punching the air. The game ships with 7 levels by default, but there are already another 25 which have been created by the community, and are available via the in-game UGC browser running in Unity by mod.io.

You can grab the game right now on Steam and the Meta Quest store for VR.