What To Expect From The Chapter


  • One Piece chapter 1101 will likely focus on the Kuma flashback, with the possibility of Kuma meeting Luffy and revealing information about the Nika fruit.
  • Kuma’s mission in the East Blue is still unknown, but it is tied to the World Government’s knowledge of the Nika fruit and Shanks’ involvement.
  • Bonney’s rehabilitation and her relationship with her father will be explored in the upcoming chapter, potentially showcasing her growth and development.

One Piece recently hit another incredible milestone with chapter 1100 and now, all eyes are on One Piece chapter 1101, which will be out very soon. Fans are very excited about this chapter as the Kuma flashback is likely to continue throughout it. In the previous chapter, fans saw Kuma finally joining the Shichibukai and, at the same time, Bonney finally being cured of her disease as well.


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These were big developments in the Kuma flashback that will eventually lead to its conclusion. Now, the focus will be on the flashback concluding and the final mysteries about Kuma and his life being explained by Oda. All these developments will likely take place over the course of the next two or three One Piece chapters, before the story finally returns to the present timeline on Egghead Island once again.

Will Kuma Meet Luffy?

kuma meets luffy one piece 1101

At the end of the previous chapter, Kuma was seen in the East Blue, around Luffy’s Village. This is somewhat of a shock for the fans, given that Kuma could very well know something about Luffy that he hasn’t clarified just yet. Fans know that Luffy is the current user of the Nika fruit and Kuma himself is deeply tied to Nika. Whether Kuma knew something about Luffy being Nika or not is a big part of what the upcoming chapter is going to be about. Kuma was seen sailing near Luffy’s home and he had no reason to be there, unless he was going back to check on the Goa Kingdom, where he helped save a lot of the people from the Grey Terminal when it was set on fire many years ago.

However, it seems that Kuma is closer to where Shanks docked than the Grey Terminal itself. Interestingly, Oda also showcased Luffy in the previous chapter, and this suggests that these two characters might very well end up meeting in One Piece chapter 1101. However, if Luffy were to meet Kuma, then he would certainly have remembered him, given his peculiar appearance. Perhaps, Kuma will dock nearby and find out who the current user of the Nika fruit is. The vast majority of the focus of One Piece chapter 1101 will still be on Kuma’s mission, which he was assigned towards the end of the last chapter.

Kuma’s Mission In The East Blue

kuma east blue foosha village luffy one piece 1101

In the previous chapter, Kuma was given a mission by the World Government. When he was called, Kuma made it clear that he was in the East Blue and immediately after, he was given his next assignment. Fans do not know what this assignment is, however, it is likely that it is going to be carried out at some place in the East Blue. While fans do not know what Kuma’s assignment in One Piece chapter 1101 is going to be, it must be kept in mind that he isn’t the only character who is tied to Nika. Kuma knows about Nika and his origins but so does the World Government. In fact, the World Government even had the Gomu Gomu no Mi in their grasp nearly 12 years ago.


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However, Shanks attacked the Government vessel and stole the fruit. Shanks then went to the East Blue, where he camped for around a year. It is likely for the World Government to be aware of the fact that Shanks stayed there and that he does not possess the power of the fruit, nor does a member of his group. As such, the World Government could very well be suspicious of someone living in this area possessing the powers of this fruit. Perhaps, Kuma’s goal in One Piece chapter 1101 is going to be related to that. Fans are very excited to see what he does with this information. This could also very well end up being how Kuma finds out about Luffy being the user of the Nika fruit in the first place. From here onwards, Kuma would then keep a careful watch on Luffy and his journey and would also plan so he could aid Luffy in the future.

Bonney’s Disease Cure

kuma bonney disease healed one piece 1101

Fans know that Bonney is an exceptionally important character in Kuma’s flashback and she will maintain the role of the secondary character in the upcoming chapter as well. While Bonney has been cured of her disease, she still has rehabilitation to go through.

This is being carried out in the Sorbet Kingdom, where Bonney is under the watchful eye of CP8. In One Piece chapter 1101, Bonney will most likely be focused on quite a bit. She will likely hear about the many adventures of her father and, at the same time, she will also receive a letter from him, which he wrote previously. Perhaps, fans will also get to see Bonney write back to her father and this could end up being a very heartwarming moment of exchange of information for these two characters who now cannot meet under any circumstances.

Fans are very excited to witness Bonney’s relationship with her father unfold and at the same time, they will most likely also see Bonney develop her powers even further. She is already very strong despite being a young child but, as she mentioned previously, to be ready for when Kuma takes her to disease, she wants to improve. Perhaps, she will be the one to deal with the members of the CP8 all by herself and that would certainly be a great showing for young Bonney.

One Piece chapter 1101 could also focus on Bonney’s rehabilitation and it could finally be completed and, if that is the case, then Bonney will be able to set sail for the very first time, which would be an incredible experience for her, given that she would finally be able to feel the sunlight on her skin for the very first time.

The Secret Programs In Kuma’s Body

bonney disease healed kuma body changed one piece 1101

While One Piece chapter 1101 could have developments regarding Bonney, it is highly likely that the chapter will focus more on Kuma. Fans know that Kuma is a Pacifista who is currently being worked on with each passing chapter. Kuma and Vegapunk will most definitely share some more time together in the upcoming chapter after he finishes his mission in the East Blue and, when that happens, he will most likely speak further with Vegapunk about his life and, perhaps, his dreams as well. Fans know that one of the most interesting things about Kuma is the fact that he had some programs written into his code by Vegapunk.

This program allowed him to protect the ship of the Straw Hat Pirates when they were separated and, for some reason, it is now leading him to save Bonney as well. Vegapunk and Kuma certainly struck a secret deal that Saturn was not aware of and this could very well end up being a big plot point in One Piece chapter 1101. Given that the Kuma flashback is now edging closer to its end, fans will likely find out very soon as to why Kuma wanted to aid Luffy so much and if this reason extended beyond him being Dragon’s very own son. It certainly feels like Kuma is aware of Luffy being Nika and, if he finds out this information in the East Blue, then everything will start making sense.

One Piece is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus app. The release date for the next chapter of One Piece, One Piece 1101, is set to be December 10, 2023.

One Piece-9

One Piece

Release Date
October 20, 1999

Toei Animation

Eiichiro Oda

Streaming Service(s)
Crunchyroll, Netflix, Hulu

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