Hideki Kamiya wants to work with Viewtiful Joe, Okami again

Viewtiful Joe Okami Hideki Kamiya

Hideki Kamiya has again expressed interest in working on Viewtiful Joe as well as Okami. Kamiya – who recently left PlatinumGames and was director on both projects – made a few brief remarks about both IPs in a new video published on his YouTube channel today.

As for Viewtiful Joe, Kamiya said that he “actually had the story for a third Viewtiful Joe all thought out.” He also feels that he left Okami “unfinished”.

Kamiya said:

“Of course, I’d love to work on them if I ever get a chance. I actually had the story for a third Viewtiful Joe all thought out. I’ve always wanted to make it. I wonder if Capcom would let me make another Viewtiful Joe… Okami, too. I feel like I left that unfinished, so if we could make that happen as well, I’d be happy.”

Viewtiful Joe arrived on the GameCube in 2003 with the sequel arriving a little over a year later. Some may have forgotten, but the series also saw Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble plus the DS-exclusive Viewtiful Joe: Double Trouble.

As for Okami, we should mention that the IP received a follow-up with Okamiden – another DS-only title. However, Kamiya was not involved as he was with PlatinumGames at the time.