The New Crete Trailer Shows Off Some Exquisite Headshots – Gamezebo

Crete is easily one of the most intriguing upcoming shooters I’ve seen in some time. It seems to borrow heavily from Warframe, with your heavily-customisable character swapping between melee weapons and an assault rifle. Cue some of the most satisfying headshots I’ve seen in some time.

While I’m no masochist, the kill animations are also impressive, and take into account where the last piece of damage was received. When the primary character misses an early headshot, the enemy slowly falls to the floor in a shower of blood. They’re missing an arm, you see.

What’s in the Crete Trailer?

The rest of the trailer shows off a variety of fast-paced gameplay. Melee combat has impressive weight behind it, with enemies bleeding at the point of impact. Parrying also looks epic when you get the timing right.

Skill effects, meanwhile, create a shockwave of AoE damage. Everything just looks weighty and impactful, and watching it makes me feel more like a superhero than playing games that actually feature them. Looking at you, Gotham Knights.

There’s a particularly epic shot near the end of the trailer where the primary character is aiming a headshot, but the enemy gets too close. As they swing their sword, we see the character raise its shield at just the right moment to parry the blow.

How About the Visuals?

If I have any complaints about Crete, it’s in its heavy use of post-processing effects. The motion blur makes it look very muddy in motion, which isn’t helped by the aggressive depth of field effect. It might be that you can tone it down in action, but the gameplay trailer doesn’t look great.

The environments and character models all appear a little lifeless and drab. It’s not clear how much customisation is available for your character, but we’d hope it isn’t a featureless alien for the entire adventure. Time will tell.

In the meantime, check out the new gameplay trailer right here. You can also wishlist Crete right now on Steam.