Why Your Company Can’t Afford to Miss Pocket Gamer Connects London 2024 | Pocket Gamer.biz

The global games industry will gather in London on January 22nd to 23rd for our flagship conference and extra special 10th birthday edition, with new features and surprises to celebrate a decade of connecting games industry professionals across the world.

This show promises to be bigger and better than ever before. We know that convincing your boss to invest in any conference can be challenging, but the case for attending Pocket Gamer Connects London 2024 is compelling and straightforward.

Here’s a punchy pitch that highlights the undeniable value propositions and ROI to make your argument irresistible.

Unparalleled networking opportunities

Connect with decision-makers: Rub shoulders with industry leaders and decision-makers from the biggest global games industry brands, potentially unlocking new partnerships and opportunities that you can take forward once the event is over. Check out our PGC Stories to see how the experiences of our other attendees.

Industry insights: Swap stories and strategies with peers, leading to knowledge sharing that can transform your company’s approach and processes. With access to expert sessions with leaders across the industry, you’re guaranteed to leave the conference with actionable strategies that you can take back to the office and implement.

Market intelligence

Future trends: Gain insights into the next wave of games industry trends, ensuring your company stays ahead of the curve. Look forward to exploring a range of topics with industry experts, from growth, UA and revenue models to UGC, recruitment, retention and monetisation. We’ll also be taking a closer look at some of the emerging technologies that are driving innovation within the industry right now with dedicated tracks on AI, web3 and blockchain.

Competitor analysis: See what your competitors are up to and give yourself a strategic advantage in product development, the latest innovations, studio management, marketing strategy and much more.

Marketing and brand growth

Increased visibility: Elevate your company’s brand by participating in an event attended by the industry’s most influential figures. This heightened visibility among key players not only bolsters brand recognition but also establishes your company as a serious contender in the industry, opening doors to potential strategic partnerships, attracting top talent looking for new challenges, and can even influence investor perceptions and decisions. For partnership and sponsorship opportunities see our overview here.

Press attention: Leverage the event’s media coverage for potential press mentions, enhancing your company’s public profile. However, we understand it can be hard to pin a journalist down, even at an event like PG Connects, so we’ve taken some of the randomness out of it with our Journalist Bar. It’s a place to meet a member of the Pocket Gamer consumer team for pre-arranged appointments and walk-ins.

Professional development

Skill enhancement: Empower yourself with new skills and knowledge that you can transfer to your team, promoting a culture of continuous learning and development. With multiple track rooms and a wealth of topics to choose from, Pocket Gamer Connects talks offer expertise that will give you actionable strategies and takeaways that you can apply as soon as you get back to the office!

Motivation and retention: A report by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) in 2017 found that 89% of HR professionals reported an increase in employee retention simply by launching initiatives to aid in career development. Show that your company values its team by investing in their professional growth, which can lead to higher job satisfaction and retention rates.

Maximised investment

Knowledge Sharing: Plan to do a post-conference knowledge share, ensuring the entire team benefits from your attendance, effectively multiplying the value of the investment. By transforming individual learning into collective growth, you can ensure that every team member benefits directly from the experience.

In summary

Attendance at Pocket Gamer Connects London 2024 is not just an individual opportunity: it’s a strategic investment in the company’s future. It’s about staying competitive, informed and connected in the fast-paced global games industry.

With focused networking, critical insights and immeasurable learning opportunities, the question isn’t whether you can afford to go—it’s whether you can afford not to.

Equip yourself with these compelling points, and your boss is sure to see the undeniable benefits of attending Pocket Gamer Connects London 2024.

See you there?