Molly Moonn Teams Up With Airdorf And Trevor Henderson In EXCUSE ME SIR – Gamezebo

In a move that will delight fans but probably surprise absolutely no-one, we’re getting a game starring the unsettling entity whose uncanny manner of speaking took TikTok by storm. EXCUSE ME SIR is an upcoming game where you face off against one of the internet’s newest scary faces, the ever-uncanny Molly Moonn.

Molly Moonn is.. hard to explain. Imagine a person talking and acting like an NPC in a very old game, except they also give off an extremely threatening aura. It’s framed a little like an RPG interaction, though you don’t get the impression any choices will end well. There’s something distinctly inhuman about Molly Moonn, and the distinctly creepy and surreal series of videos gained a lot of attention on her TikTok. A cursory glance at almost any video’s comment thread showed fans demanding a game, and now we’re getting exactly that.

So Many Big Names

The TikTok cryptid is not the only big name lending its talents to EXCUSE ME SIR. It’s a bit of an indie horror supergroup from the look of the page.

There’s Airdorf Games, responsible for the lo-fi terror of FAITH: Unholy Trinity, Jesse Cox of Monster Prom fame, and Torple Dook of Chip’s Tips. There’s even art from the legendary Trevor Henderson, creator of nightmarish horror art, and memorable monstrosities like Siren Head and Long Horse.

In fact, it looks like the whole thing sprung from a tweet from Airdorf late last year tagging Molly Moonn and Henderson. Who says nothing good comes out of Twitter?

Choose Carefully

The game sees you on a mission to find your missing brother. You run across a rather uncanny woman in the process. (Wonder who that might be?) Quickly, the whole thing spirals into chaos.

You’ll need to use your wits and judgment to solve point-and-click object puzzles and make the right choices to evade dangerous situations.

The world of Molly Moonn is a bizarre one, so don’t expect things to always follow normal logic. Then again, it’s not as if object puzzles ever did.

Want to try it out? A demo for EXCUSE ME SIR is available now for PC via the game’s page.

Want some other spooky games to try? Take a look at our news on LSD: Revamped.