Elon Musk Says He Was ‘One of the Best Quake Players in the World’

In a recent interview, Elon Musk claimed to have been one of the best Quake players in the world. He even mentioned that he won money in a professional tournament. Musk is a known gamer and has always been passionate about technology, so it’s possible that he was a very skilled Quake player back in the day.

He has spoken about his love for gaming on many occasions and again during this interview. A lot of people need quick ways to decompress when working on technology and it appears this is how Musk burns off steam. It’s not surprising that he would claim to have been one of the best Quake players in the world, he is likely to have played it a lot more than we’d know.

Quake is a first-person shooter video game developed by ID Software and released in 1996. The game was a critical and commercial success, and it is considered to be one of the most influential first-person shooters of all time. Quake is known for its fast-paced action that caused many players to get addicted. You can learn more about it in the book Masters of Doom: How Two Guys Created an Empire and Transformed Pop Culture by David Kushner. It’s a great read, I loved it.

Musk’s claim to have been one of the best Quake players in the world is sure to raise some eyebrows. However, we don’t have many records of old tournaments and many tournaments weren’t official. So, it’s possible that he was simply a very skilled Quake player back in the day.

It’s not surprising that he would claim to have been one of the best Quake players in the world. He’s a legitimate gamer and likely did spend a lot of time perfecting his skill on the game. Even today, he’s playing Diablo 4 and really taking it down, so it’s likely he’s great at other games too.

Musk mentioned that he has been able to defeat every other boss in Diablo 4 except for Hatred Incarnate, the final boss of the game. It doesn’t help that he plays Druid, but Hatred Incarnate is a notoriously difficult boss, and it is likely that Musk is finding it challenging because of its unique mechanics and abilities. He’s out here dominating tier 100 nightmare dungeons, so he’s no scrub.

In the future, he might also help develop great VR games, since he knows what other gamers want. That’s likely just a dream of mine though.