Saudi Arabia Gives 18+ Rating to Dragon’s Dogma 2

Image: Capcom

The General Authority for Media Regulation (GAMR) in Saudi Arabia has given an 18+ rating to the upcoming video game Dragon’s Dogma 2. This means that the game will only be available to purchase and play for people aged 18 and over in the country.

The GAMR’s rating system is based on a number of factors, including the game’s content, violence, and language. Games that are rated 18+ are considered to be appropriate for adults only and may contain mature content that is unsuitable for children or young adults.

The reason for Dragon’s Dogma 2’s 18+ rating is not yet clear, but it is likely due to the game’s violent content or mature themes. Dragon’s Dogma 2 being playable is good because the previous game was banned in Saudi Arabia. It is important to note that the GAMR’s rating system is only applicable to Saudi Arabia. Other countries may have different rating systems or may not rate video games at all.

The ESRB is likely to give the game a rated M for Mature score. Western countries tend to be a lot more relaxed in terms of what is too much for teens. This at least tells us that Dragon’s Dogma 2 is coming pretty soon. Games get rated when they’re close to launch because they need to prep for shipping and put that rating on the cover. This likely means a release after the end of Q4, December 2023. An early Q1 (January through March) or Q2 (April to June) release is what we will likely see from Capcom.

Either way, I’m happy to hear the news. I loved Dragon’s Dogma – except for the terrible storytelling – and can’t wait to come back to the world. With the new improvements in AI and the Pawn system, I can see this being worth the M rating that it will likely get.