How to get 3-Plate Armor Vest and Large Rucksack in Modern Warfare Zombies (MWZ)

In Modern Warfare Zombies, being overburned and underprotected can be dire. Since it’s in an extraction mode, you may want to keep everything when you exfil out. Lucky for you, there are a few handy items that can help you with that. On the map, you can find armor vests and Rucksacks in three different tiers. For this guide, we’ll show you have to get a 3-plate armor vest and a large Rucksack in Modern Warfare Zombies (MWZ).

Modern Warfare Zombies (MWZ): How to get the 3-plate armor vest and large Rucksack

There’s quite a bit to find and collect on the map. Each item you find may help you in certain ways. However, not everything you collect will be as important as vests or Rucksacks. A thing to note about these items is that the higher they go in a tier, the rarer they can be to find. So it’s best to use this guide to pinpoint the exact spot or the areas that you should look into. 

3-plate armor vest

To find these vests, you’ll need to do a lot of leg work. To start, make your way to any Mercenary Stronghold. Be warned, these areas can be densely populated with enemies. So I’d say attempt them with a full group. As you fight off the hordes of zombies and other enemies, look around for Loot Caches. Some may be rare ones such as Aether Loot Caches. These caches are worth your time as well even if you don’t find a 3-plate armor vest. They could contain important Schematics for things like Ammo Mods, so don’t overlook them.

Large Rucksack

To find a pack that can hold even more, search within the Legacy Fortress. The fortress is buried away within the map, and it took me a while to find it. Make your way to the top left-hand corner of the Orange Zone. To make things easier, use the image below as a reference. You should be careful here because from experience — the zombies do get harder. The fortress itself is a mini-warzone, so it’s not a good idea to do it alone. Your best bet would be to go in with a full three-person squad. Once everything is cleared, search the loot caches in the area. The Large Rucksack should be in one of them. 

Screenshot: PC Invasion

Other Modern Warfare Zombie articles. 

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