The Police Mystery is a game where you avoid getting sat on by giant women

The Police Mystery is a new game where you’re playing a tiny man who’s trying to avoid being crushed by giantess women.

At the police station, a witch cast a spell that shrunk many of the officers on duty to the size of an ant, yourself included! Explore the police station and try not to get crushed by the giant policewomen at work and find a way back to normal.

The police have arrested dangerous criminals from the neighborhood and sent them to jail. Little did they know, one of them was a witch who casted a spell to shrink many police officers to the size of ants. Play as a bug sized police officer in a giant police station and interact with giantess women. Go on a weird adventure and do crazy things such as saving your girlfriend from an avocado dip or avoid being sat on.


  • Interactions
  • Story driven
  • Free roam with a fly
  • First person mode
  • Climbing mechanics
  • Many death scenes that show what happens to the player

There’s even a mode where you can play as a fly. You can check out the trailer for The Police Mystery below.

The Police Mystery is available now on Windows PC (via Steam).

RP Game Design, The Police Mystery

A basement-dwelling ogre, Brandon’s a fan of indie games and slice of life anime. Has too many games and not enough time.

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